Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone


Love the changes. Do have a couple of questions though.

1. Can a hc player give a broken fort item to another hc player?

2. Love the idea of using the sheep to travel between maps. when traveling between maps using the sheep, what map leads to what map? For example, if you are on map 1, that leads  to what map, and so on.

3. Is  the sheep findable in offline mode?

A suggestion. A way for hc players to either donate or drop the stuff they don't want. Of course they get nothing for it. but so many are not in clans and don't want to carry around 10 tattered dresses or 15 winter coats they will never use. This will help keep inventory clean and help when cycling thru armor when choosing.

to the person who asked about the riot shield, hammer, and machete not counting in your shots. The riot shield should not. It was fixed a while ago. The machete and hammer both use swings which eitehr hit or miss, the same thing a bullet does . that is why it counts towards that.

look forward to getting my account  soon. see you there.


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