Re: Grail to the Thief: An Interactive Audio Adventure

Haramir wrote:

It sounds interesting. I tryed both using google chrome and mozila and none of them worked. Any tips?
Best regards, Haramir.

How long did you wait at the loading screen when using Google Chrome? On a fast Internet connection, the game should load within 20 seconds. On a slower connection, it may take around a minute for the game to load. If waiting for the game to load doesn't help, you could try clearing your cache and refreshing the page. Are you using the most recent version of Google Chrome or an older build? Do you have any Chrome extensions installed that could be preventing the game from working properly? Any additional information you can provide will help us troubleshoot the problem.

wlomas wrote:

so from what i gather, the game is a choose your own adventure style and will not require user to interact with object, use them ex amine them, combine them etc on their own as in say, time adventures an older game that people are referring to?
what happens if the kick starter doesn't work? from past experiences projects are not funded via this method it seems. also what replay value would the title have?

Correct, the game has been designed as more of a choose your own adventure style audio game, rather than as an RPG style game where you combine items, solve puzzles, etc.

If our Kickstarter campaign doesn't reach it's funding goal, we will look for other ways to complete development on the game. However, we launched our campaign only a few days ago and are already 1/8th of the way to reaching our goal. With the support of the community, we expect to hit our funding goal.

As for replay value, the game will be worth playing through at least two or three times if you want to experience all the dialogue in the game.


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