Re: Sonus GDE thoughts

Hi Amerikranian.

I havent experienced that myself but the tutorials were written during an older version of the GDE. I will have to have a look myself at some point to see if I can replicate your issue.

I think the reason the player x and y variables arnt updated when we collide with the wall is because it puts the player back to the position they were origianlly in. for example if we are at X 10 and move forward 1 to X 11 which we then get knocked back to X10. we dont need to updatete the variable again because we are already at X10.

You'll have to excuse me, I wrote these quite a while ago.

I also noticed you said "The playerx and playery variables are my local coordinates." does this mean the playerx and playery are local variables? becasue you are using the set global variable action.

I can see the benefit to haveing TTS capable of speaking more than 1 variable. developers will have to make sure they done use variable names that will match words they want to use in TTS though. I'll add that to my list.

I'n not sure why you are wanting to write global variables to a file? could you elaborate on that maybe?
There is a feature on my list to allow Game Objects to be exported and imported into other projects if thats if thats the kind of thing you are getting at.

I'm not sure whats hapening with the used event list, I havent heard any other complaints and I did orignally test it with NVDA. I'll have to take a look at that one, but of course I'll alter the design if needed. thanks for the feedback.

And oops. thats little bug slipped through the net. I'll rectify the TTS channels being cleared on the next update then. Thanks for reporting that.

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