Why I prefer NVDA over JAWS

Hello all. So as you see from the title, I'm stating why I prefer the NVDA Windows screen reader over JAWS. Honestly, it boils down to only a few things. So without further to do, let's not waste time and get going.
1. Price.
This is one thing that a lot of people discuss when talking about NVDA Vs JAWS. JAWS is expensive. Is this saying it's bad? No. However, why should I have to pay $1100 for something to read my screen? Why should I have to pay for the new license every year when VFO releases the new versions?
2. Customization
Another thing that many NVDA users including myself like about NVDA is how customizable it is. Something inaccessible? No problem. There's probably an add on that can fix it. Just install it and you're pretty much good to go.
3. There is really not much of a difference between the two programs.
One misconception that a lot of people who feel comfortable with JAWS have is that it will be too hard to learn. This is not the case. You may think you don't know how to use NVDA, but you're wrong. Same for NVDA users who end up having to use JAWS at one point. If you know how to use one, you pretty much know how to use the other. So if you know JAWS, then you know NVDA, and if you know NVDA and have to use JAWS at some point, you know JAWS. Although there are a few differences, I would guess that at least 97 to 98% of the features of both programs are identical. If anyone else thinks it's different, please let me know.
4. NVDA has added features before JAWS did.
If you've been using NVDA for a while, you know that if you're editing a document or some web forms, it will tell you that a word is misspelled. This feature was added in NVDA 2017, or maybe even a little earlier if I'm not mistaken. JAWS never had it until 2019. If they had it before, I never realized it.
5. NVDA handles some programs a lot better.
there are some programs that although JAWS reads them, it's not the ideal solution. There are some programs that JAWS just is inconvenient to use, and you'd be better off with NVDA.
6. Object nav and the JAWS curser.
There are some programs that using your standard screen reader commands just won't cut it. In these situations, you have to use either the JAWS curser, or in the case of NVDA, Object Nav, or what some call the Review Curser. Honestly, NVDA handles this better than JAWS. With JAWS, you have to use one command to root JAWS through your PC, then select the JAWS curser. With NVDA, you either use the numpad if you're on desktop layout, or you use the special keys for laptop mode if you use that layout. Also, for NVDA, I recommend the objpad add on. It makes it easier for these types of situations. All you do is press control+NVDA+Tab to cycle between different navigation modes, and start navigating. If you are in a program like Steam or something else where you may need the review curser, just go to scan mode and use your arrows. The only downside of this is that since both Space and enter activate optionss, whenever you type a space, it will always say that it's activating something. In this case, switch to normal mode, finish typing, press enter, return to scan mode, and have fun.
Over all, the main things that attract me to NVDA are the fact that it's free, and the fact that it's so customizable. In my opinion, JAWS is overrated and is not worth the $1100 price tag VFO puts on it.  Honestly, I would never even buy their monthly plans. Again, it all boils down to the question of why I should have to pay for a peace of software to tell me what's on my desktop or what's on a website? As stated previously, NVDA works just as good, and in some cases, it works better than JAWS.

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