Re: My problem with the Blindy handbook

Its not. I stopped buying movies from the itunes because of this. Their mentality? O, screw old movies, even if they have audio description... screw it. I mean, could they add old movies with audio description in there? Hell yes. That, plus they have very little content compared to say, the audio vault. Well, and because of the drm. That's my biggest reason. I mean, just what!!! I get why they do it, but still. It is beyond ridiculous. That's like buying a physical book, but you have to sign a notice that says, o yeah, you can only read this book at home. You cannot take it out with you; it has to stay at home; we will Monitor this at all times. If we see that your not complying... we will remove this book from you; even though its yours, we have a record that you purchaced it; we'll take it; and we'll block your access to buy books from this and any other books at our store. Granted, this would never happen; but I only said to explain what drm is. And people think this will stop the ilegal shit. Hell; it won't; it will have the contrary effect though. I mean, drm is saying the following, you bought this, but we can fuck you over if we so wish at any time, for any reason; even though you bought the thing and now its yours to do with as you wish. What if I buy a movie or a book; but I don't want to watch it in the default app from apple, or readi it in the kindle or books app. What if I prefer something else? Another app which I am more comfortable using? O yeah, I cant do it,  because of drm. Ever since I realised this; I stopped buying books from amazon, itunes, etc, and movies for this very reason. I get my books from bookshare and other sights; but i'm not willing to put on with this kind of behavier of... Only play or read this here; else fuck you. Heck, around 2008 or there abouts, apple used to do this kind of shit with music as well, having it protected with drm; and now look;they got rid of it. Thing is, if the passed has already taught people how stupid this is; then learn from it, don't just, repeat the same mistakes!!! And the excuse for drm? So that people won't say, edit, or share, the material. Really? I call bullshit. First. If someone edited said drm protected material and posted it out there... You can bet they would be sued in less time it takes someone to blink; for obvious reasons; same goes for sharing. I mean, they always make it clear in copyright with parts like,  this material may not be distributed without express permition of the author or publisher. I mean, its there for all to see... And i bet as much as 85percent, if not more; of people wouldn't want a law sue up their ass. Drm is just, its beyond stupid; but as people don't learn from their fuck ups... its still here. Some never learn i guess. Drm is fine for say, a streaming service weather its movies or music, but for something you bought? Hell no. That's the point that i'm making here, for stuff you buy that has drm. For streaing services, duh, since your not buying the music nore the movies your watching or the books your reading; I agree with that. But for stuff you buy? Just no.

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