Re: Training Centers

that sort of institutionalized living for blind people does sound a little scary really, rather too much like an extention of specialized schools, especially if you don't actually take care of things like cooking yourself.

Generally in Britain there are three specific sorts of accommodation where disabled people are concerned.

There are flats that some counsels have and give to disabled  or eldily residents as a priority. These are perfectly ordinary flats, but due to say proximity to the city the counsel will considder them first for people with mobility  issues.

Funnily enough I live in one of these, which is a lot better than say being on some housing estate or in a counsel house miles from anywhere, however of the four flats in my building only one resident is actually eldily, and none accept me have a disability, indeed my now very nice downstairs neighbor is in her late 40's, and there is no actual institutionalized practice such as co mmunal meals or what not.

Some flats can have a hook up secure call button to the counsel's care system, say if someone was liable to illness or having an accident, but mine doesn't.

There are then what are called assisted living complexes for eldily people. The best way to describe this is almost like halls of residents for the eldily, so people have their own rooms with  communal kitchins and laundry areas, and there are general staff who do cleaning, however people are pretty free to come and go and socialize as needed.
I've never heard of something like this for disabled people though.

There are then of course full on old folks homes where people actually get constant care as needed. While there are some of these for people with really severe learning disabilities, I've never heard of anything for disabled people who have normal living skills, then again sinse I always wanted to live on my own anyway I never really looked into th ings more.

As I said, I can see the logic of some sort of shelted accommodation for people who can't take care of themselves, but I don't see how it'd be helpful if your blind, indeed it sounds like it would just magnify all the major problems that specialist schools create.


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