Re: Training Centers

Well, that's just it. I think that, far too often, people join the NFB seeking to fill a void in their lives. Don't misunderstand me here; the NFB isn't to blame for this, human psychology is. People join churches for the same reason. Then they devote their entire lives to the "cause", losing themselves in the process, and trying to "convert" others to their newfound "freedom". Take note of all the times I put quotes around words in that paragraph, because, frankly, I think that's unhealthy, whether we're discussing an organization of the blind or a sect of Christianity.
I feel that the NFB should be discouraging this kind of behavior in its members. Christian churches, at least, have the excuse that the Bible teaches one to be dependent on God, and that any straying from that is sinful and so on. But the NFB is trying to encourage independence. I feel that any kind of conversion tactics, not to mention the emotional, rat her than logical, reasoning that some members I have encountered have used to try to get me to join, are directly counterproductive to a strong, independent, self-reliant image. I don't consider it a mark of a stable individual if they are literally preaching to me about convention speeches, bursting into tears and telling me over and over about how much the NFB has changed their life, and how I should "stop being skeptical and join." Yes, this happened to me once, and this was the first conversation that I had with the individual in question. Lest you think I'm passing judgment on unstable or mentally ill individuals, I assure you that I'm not--I'm not exactly a posterchild for well-being myself--but that kind of thing will make me back up real fast. Less extreme, but equally irritating, things have happened to me as well in regards to conversion by several different belief systems and organizations. I guess I just don't respond to that kind of th ing. I prefer to think for myself, weigh my options, and draw my own conclusions.
I forget if I said any or all of this before, so I apologize if I've repeated myself.


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