Re: Tips from fellow blind people on Dating?

Sorry to bring back an old thread, but since I sort of stumbled across this by acsident last night and since this has been a subject that's been bothering me the past few months, figured I'd talk about my recent experiences. I've got a lot to get off my chest here, so bear with me.
For quite obvious reasons I'm leaving real names out of this post, but I'm sure a lot of you know this person from the forum, at least some of the older members might.
Anyway, I've known this person since 2014 when I started at boarding school. We didn't really know each other back then, and given how bad my bipolar was back then she probably didn't like me a hole lot either, understandable. Anyway, it's been just over three years since we've seen each other face to face.
First of all, there's a pretty huge age gap. I've seen a lot of adults been in relationships with much larger ones, indeed my parents are a wopping 12 years apart, yet it doesn't effect them. I do however have a feeling that since I'm 16 and there for technically still a miner, what I want could in fact be highly illegal, but I'm no expert in the law by any means. Figured I'd mention it though since it's just one of many things that's been bothering me.
Anyway, recently, like a couple months ago, I herd a recording of her voice. It took me a couple seconds to recognise her voice, and a few seconds more to have my entire world turned up side down. It wasn't long before I just couldn't get her off my mind no matter what I did, games couldn't distract me, my friends couldn't distract me, nothing could.
Fast forward to the beginning of December. I finally decided I've had enough and send her an email. It was quite long, but I did my best to act like I usually would contacting someone for the first time in a few years. I kept things lite, asking how she was and what'd changed since we last spoke in 2016, then talked a little about myself and how much I'd changed from the annoying 12 year old I used to be. I sent it, and much sooner than I expected, like 20 or 30 minutes later, I got a reply, and a friend request on facebook. Accept the friend request, then check my emails, heart hammering.
The response I got was pretty encouraging, and it was from that point onwards I started to realise just how much we had in common. Messaging her, I almost felt like I was talking to myself. I started predicting her responses before she sent them.
Anyway, things were looking up at that point. We'd still only really exchanged a couple messages, but I was really feeling something I couldn't quite describe. It wasn't just the usual feeling I'd had before when I had a crush on someone, this was different somehow. I started finding it difficult to concentrate on lessons, or really anything for that matter. Coding was my only distraction, but it could only do so much. Eventually it would all come flooding back.
Anyway, it's been a few weeks now, and things haven't changed much, accept for one thing, the messages. For the past three or 4 weeks or so, messages have gone seen but unreplied to. I've seen her on facebook doing stuff, finding time to check her timeline and post things, but not to reply to my messages.
The last message I've sent her was an email again, because I started to wonder if messenger was acting up, or something about how I was sending things just wasn't working. I also thought maybe a longer email would be what I needed. I've always been paranoid of coming across as pushy or rood, so I tried my best not to sound desperate. I mostly asked how she was and if she was still ok, mentioning the few weeks of radio silence I'd gotten.
It's been over a week now and I've got nothing. I've started seriously worrying about how I've been approaching this hole thing. What if I've said the wrong things? That sort of thing.
I'll admit I am a little worried about posting this here since I know she sometimes checks these forums and knows my username here, but I'm not sure where else I can turn to. I'm wondering if I've just been way to invested in this hole thing, if I've just gone and shot myself in the foot thinking there might have been something where there was in fact nothing. Either way, I'd be really grateful if any of you more experienced people on here could give me some advice. I wonder if I'm just that bad at this hole relationships thing. I don't know. I've always had shit luck before, and this is no exception, but somehow this one hurts all the more because I really felt something.
Also, don't get me wrong, I understand everyone has lives, schedules etc, and I know there may very well be a chance she just hasn't had time to reply or has had a lot going on herself. I just worry about these things though, me being the kind of person I am. A simple message saying you're busy can really go a long way in any context, I think.

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