Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter

Settle down, grab a cup of coffee, tea, beer, or whatever you like to drink when reading long posts. This will be a long one.
At the moment there are no servers and yes, use NVDA. It is the reader that works best with games anyway. Burak pointed to a link, I have no idea if it is a direct download, can't check because I'm far too tired to do so.
Once you get that saved run it. May wanna shut down jaws because right when you hit enter on the file, speech and keystrokes start being read by NVDA. Let me tell you by experience, its not fun when you have both NVDA and jaws running at the same time.
But anyway, following the instructions that are spoken by the talking installer should get NVDA installed to your system.
Oh, and btw, begging isn't the way to go. Haven't you learned that as a child?
For those looking for an older version let me dig through my dropbox and see what I can do. If someone beats me to it, good enough.
Finals are fast approaching so I will not be running my server for another month or so. Let me give you all a brief guide to open up your own servers. This is gonna be fast, so don't expect any detailed explanations
When you downloaded the latest rtr, a server program is included along with the game. Go to c:\program files (x86) \dragonApps under 64 bit systems.
c:\program files\DragonApps under 32 bit systems. Look for a folder there called server. If its there, your good.
Side note. This folder can be copied to another destination. So if you wanted to run this from your c drive, that's fine, me and a friend of mine did it. You can also put it on your desktop, if you want to do that. Next, Open up a port on your modem/router.
Not going to explain this entire process but it amounts to logging into a web interface, entering a password, going to port forwarding (some routers/modems will put it in different places and call it different things), forward ports of your choosing both TCP and UDP.
Sign out of your modem/router if it requires you to do so. Then, go to your config file in your server folder and edit the port value to match what you forwarded.
Then, gather all the maps you want to use (no custom ones please),(unless you know the people that connect to this server), into the server folder.
Then, if you don't have one already in the folder, create a maps.list file and put, on each line, the names of the maps you will be using, with out the .dat extension.
Then, save it in the server folder. Then, configure your server the way you want it to be.
Next launch the server program. If all is well, ask a friend to connect to your public IP address no local one. He/she should be able to connect. so long as the server is running.
If no one can connect, allow the server program through your windows firewall, or make sure you forwarded the IP correctly.
As an advanced tip, if you are forced to connect through your own local IP address but everyone else can connect in just fine with your public IP, there is a good chance you will have to bridge your modem, if you have configured this using a router.
It all depends on ISP though.
I will not be available to log in the entire next week or so, so if you guys have questions, ask on the forums.
Hope this helps.


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