Re: are there games about historical facts, events and periods?

Well it  depends upon what you mean.

Inquisitor and time adventures (and graille to the thief it it gets finished), are likely your best bet as far as fully researched historical periods are concerned in a game with complete audio. There is then time of conflict, where you can actually have regular maps of  real battles from the 2nd world war such as the battle of britain and play them in a truly historical sense, it is also possible that with the map builder other famous historical battles may be created in the future such as azincort or the battle of trafalga (that would be awsome!). similarly when we come to battle audio games, sikim jidai, a strategic resource management and battle game  which is based on the warring states era of Japan, and uses some of the social ideas and weapons of that period, but plays out on many different created maps and doesn't as far as I know actually replicate any of the battles or geography unlike time of conflict, thoug h as I know far less about Japanese history I could be wrong.

That is about it for audio games unless you count grizly gulch or the wild west pinball tables but personally i don't sinse they are more set in a fantasy western world than anything historically accurate relative to what actually went on in America in the past.

There are however a hole bunch of games using text that are accessible. Firstly, as has been said 10000 ad and  similar stratogy games where you can have armies of romans, vikings etc, some of these are obviously fantasy themed but  by no means all.

then I would strongly advise looking into some of the choiceofgames and hosted games titles built with games script, sinse several of those have very well researched historical themes, such as choice of the vampire taking place in new  new orleans in the 19th century. There are further games in  development, such as the very cool vendetta set in 1920's chicargo  a round the Italian maffia, and a game involving roman politics.

There are then some gamebooks on other sites, for example the fighting fantasy project site has a gamebook called thw  word fell silent, a gamebook set in judea around the time of christ (though what the gamebook is about I'm not sure not having played it).

Lastly, there is a huge range of historical interactive fiction puzzle style games, just go and check on the if archive under historical. one of the best I've played of this genre was paul obrian's lash, which, though it began in the future after a  nuclear war, quickly took another turn and had you experiencing historical events on a plantation in the times of slavery in America. That one was historically accurate, ---- though so accurate it was pretty shocking in places sinse it didnt' flinch from portraying the way slaves were actually treated, or opinions at the time.

There are doubtless many others but I've n ot looked heavily through much interactive fiction to check, sinse I found myself getting fairly disappointed with a good few games.

Hopefully this gives a reasonable selection to choose from.


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