Re: what are your thoughts on BSG's new blog post?

Right, reading the article:
"Add in the social rewards a developer receives for releasing a horrible game, and you get the recipe for failure. This results in very similar games being released one after another. Sometimes this is by the same developer, other times it is a new developer working within the same boring mental bounds of other games they have played."
Translation: You should not work for any praise, and you should not work to try and recreate any game you've liked in the past.  If you're reading this, Dentin, just remember AA is a piece of garbage because you modeled it after something you liked.
Shall we keep going?
"Either way it is ungood, and this will only lead to a complete stagnation of blind gaming, even more so than we already have."
I'm not even sure how to translate this, as "ungood" is just as bad as Donald Trump's "Bigly."  The best that can be said for it is that it at least shows up in the urban dictionary.  Beyond that though, I wish the author would at least understand that expressing an opinion as a fact really doesn't make their case for them, and that's how that whole statement comes across, using ideas like "this will ldead, " an absolute definitely will happen as I say because I said it, "even more so," meaning things are bad because I said it and will only get worse, "than we already have."  Nuff said on this bit.
"The root of the problem comes from the developers. Everyone wants to make a game, but a small fraction of that group wants to do the needed work before they write the first line of code. A quick way around this work is to base your game on other similar games already released, maybe games people enjoyed playing. This is the most popular approach taken by many audio game developers. By doing this all you need to do is code and make the game work, no prior thinking, balancing, conceptualizing, or brainstorming is needed. The blueprint is already there, it is based on something which has already proven successful, just change a few things and you have your own branded audio game. This seems to stem partially from laziness, and partially from not being able to think outside of the box. Both of these are ungood, and both have the same effect."
Translation: Nothing different, more repetition of all of the above, as if hammering the point over and over again is going to make it more true than it already is, and more ungood to everyone else.
"The second most common approach is to skip everything up to coding. You don’t plan, you don’t pre-balance, you don’t conceptualize, and you do the bare minimum forethought. This doesn’t seem to slow anyone down though, they can make a poorly thought out game and release it in a blaze of glory. Smack that baby on the forums and glory in the predictable response, the unashamed groveling at the feet of the developer. This circumstance is more to blame on the players, but still both parties hold part of the responsibility."
Translation: you're all a bunch of simpletons when you sit around and actually like a simple game.  You should all like complex games, not simple games.  Hey, JCenter, what the blazes were you thinking when you made that farm game?  It's so simple!  Why'd you practically make a nano-empires clone!  Aprone?  Castaways and lunimals, so similar!  You should have like, seriously thought about that!  And those of you who enjoyed it?  Shame on you!
"From this root then grows the giant tree of buffoonery which is the audio gaming community."
I don't even think I need to take this apart, simplify it and try to put it together for you.  It speaks for itself.  We're all a bunch of buffoons.  I think I've heard this before on at least 20 different topics out here, but I'm sure coming from this guy it's absolutely original.
I'm not even going to quote the rest of that parragraph because it just uses the word "buffoonery" over and over again with vulgarity thrown in as if it means something special, a total of 4 times.
"When one of these half-ass games get released the same sad story plays out the same has it has in the past. The developer posts it up on the audio games forum. A bunch of people talk about how great it is, and a few people point out it is the same game with a different wrapper. Those with negative things to say are told to shut up, and normally they do, probably because idiots in large numbers should be feared. This leaves all the buffoons to their own devices, and they then hold hands and sing campfire songs about how great their new game is. The sad thing is they are too short sighted to realize the negative long term impact they are having on the audio gaming community, and no one ever takes the time to explain it to the them.
Dissenting opinions against a game are almost always met with hostility from the other players. This is some form of petty tribalism I don’t fully understand, but one which runs unchecked in the audio gaming community. It is okay to dislike a game, and it is okay to explain the objective things wrong with the game. Well it should be okay, but that assumes you are conversing with reasonable mature adults, this is rarely the case in places where audio games are discussed. The standard reply is you are a hater, you are a trouble maker, or some other wise phrase their grandma read them off a Snapple cap."
Translation: If you are the majority and you disagree with the minority you are a buffoon who is not only a buffoon but an immature one at that.  You must agree with me and those who agree with me even though we can hardly back up our statements with numbers, statistics or anythingn else of value worth mentioning.  Oh, and screw your grandma for liking Snapple.  Super whitty.  I'm not sure what to make of the "the them" wording in that section, save that by this time the anger had already set in and the author was thinking more on a personal level rather than a factual one and just letting negative feelings dictate everything.
I"m sorry, I can't keep going any further; I'm not really sure why this is even being taken seriously when the author has clearly shown they can't write an article that merrits reading, which was my personal opinion in 17, before I even went and read it, based on pure suspicion and the history surrounding this individual.  The real aim here is stiring up controversy, not helping out the community.

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