Re: Stories of destruction.

wel I was with fiew of my friends and we are walking in a sandy ground and I started to get bord so I snached one of my friends jackets and they didnt notice at first but wunce they noticed all 5 of them tryed to grab me: I didnt give them the jacket but someone got a little two far and punched me in the balls: the pain was very powerfull that I slipped over and hit my head on the pavement: it was ok accept that I can't move because the pain: so I said I will get revenge and walked upto him but he all ready ran away
so I had an other one

me and my friends; 13 year olds; just going into fishy activity when no one was looking: I was like: I asked them what are they doing and they said; I am doing something: I didnt know what they were doing so I walked upto them: I was shocked because the next thing they knew I herd slamming sounds: I said what are you doing! because I said it so loud my friends panicked and run away: the bad thing is they faled at the atempts to run away from me; so they end up smashing into the flowerpots: spattering flowers; lego tois: witch my friends had that they mess around with; and also smashed the hole entire flower vace: witch contaned a lot of flowers: I learned that they are doing some sexual stuff after they giltyly told me

aktualy I told them there is camera  in here so they started fighting with eech other like; you give me this idea! no! you was the one who try it on me! then I broke the fight and said; lets clean this flowers up; because it's a mess in here: so we all did clean it up: but my friend had something all over him: maybe water? because we waterd the flower like before the day or so; I woent tell you my friends name for there safety: haha

wel that was the most destructev thing I ever had
so wunce I was playing cp; the cacels wall game; where you have to inspect the cacels defences; I can't avoid the armerd warriors so I said: something like; I avoided! ok? I did! I was screaming as loud as i can; it got so bad that I run strate oblivios to what I would hit as I was so angry: ends up that I hit the cabinet where I use to store some school stuff: and I had bad luck on my side because the back of the cabinet broke off and all of the stuff spilled everywhere: since I was so mad I didnt knew I hit a cabinet: when I got to my sence after 3 seconds stupifyed there was blood dripping from my hands becauser I end up running to the side of the cabinet: where the sharp point is: and ends up peersing my arm: there was no one at home so I had to stop the blood that was running out of me; I mannaged to stop but there was the carpet staned with my; some what lot; of blood and I had to clean it up: also the cp game was still running: never try to play a single for a long time since

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