Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I know how hard it is to slave over something and then have it looked at with a critical eye, so firstly, Aprone, Swamp is still an awesome game, well worth the money spent. It's still as fun as it ever was, so don't lose heart as you keep working.
I long for the day I can run around the stripmall with my longbow again.
I do agree with what the others have said in regards to armor difficulty. The removal of food in HC as a movement requirement also bears some thought. that's why I hesitate to play; I don't want to be stuck sitting around. My armor set, a mix of everything from low to high, does seem to be protecting me a little better now. Still, you can get into some sticky situations on the higher maps, and it sounds like that's more of a death trap than it should be.
I think it's almost inevitable that high level players are going to get to a point where things are too easy. that's what happens in games. It seems to me that the title system was introduced so that high level players have a challenge again. So instead of running around the maps being a Swamp God, go get your titles. and lord your high level over us all.
I think you're tweaking the game closer to ultimate happiness Aprone. I don't know that you can make the entire current game harder for high levels while keeping it doable for lower levels; maybe you shouldn't. Higher level players have the title system. Higher level players could have more complex and difficult maps. I just don't see how you're going to balance the game across the board to provide equal difficulty to all.


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