Re: STW suggestions?

This is an idea dump I was working on a few weeks ago.

Here are some ideas that may or may not make things a bit more fun. Apologies if any of these were suggested already.

Reduce button mashing when gathering things.

I don't know about anyone else, but having to constantly press space over, and over, and over again to gather things gets really tedious and, well, repetitive. My suggestion is to have an option that would let you press space once to start gathering. To balance this, you would need both hands empty. While gathering, you couldn't walk, look at your inventory, defend yourself, etc. You could probably still talk on out of character and radio, but that would be about it. To stop, you would just hit space again. Gathering this way could only be done at a certain energy level. If you fell below that level, you'd stop and need to rest. It also wouldn't be any faster than it is now. It just wouldn't require you to try to kill your poor space bar. Note this would only work when gathering things like wood, branches, etc.

No more items all over the ground on death.

Right now when someone dies, their stuff just spills out all over the ground. Not only is this annoying when you want to retrieve things, it's not very realistic. If a pack is closed, it's not going to just burst open and spill everything on the ground when someone dies unless something damages it. I suggest that when someone dies, a pack object is created with all of their items inside. To get everything out, you would need to combine it with an empty hand. Once empty, the pack would disappear.


Not sure if these could be crafted. Maybe they could come from gifts and or STW point purchases. Basically, these would let you survive a long fall. You would have to wear them, and then combine them with an empty hand to use when falling. You may or may not take some damage and break a bone, but you'd be alive! It'd also just be fun to jump down the mountain.

Healing sleep.

Sleeping helps you regain energy faster, but it doesn't seem to help you heal faster. This would make sense. It shouldn't be as fast as a healing drug mind you, but it should help a little. Sleeping should also help bones heal too.

Food and water do what again?

Food and water also don't seem to help with regaining energy or health. Being well fed and hydrated should maybe do so.

Being out in the wild toughens you up.

I believe health and energy boosts are temporary. While that's good for keeping people buying them, it's weird that no one seems to get stronger. All that surviving should probably make you stronger in the form of permanent health/energy boosts up to a point. That is unless I'm mistaken and boosts are permanent maximum energy/health levels.

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