Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Well people are coming back, and we have 20 cases and climbing.
Its estimated 80000 of us are overseas right now and with all airtravel coming to a stop, a lot won't make it back.
This bastard will take out the airline and cruise industries mostly airlines.
All tourism, gone, sports and events, gone.
Today I went out for lunch.
Usually I would go to my local food court, and then to a mall for lunch, a good shop and a nice big coffee.
I went with my mum to the court and had a big lunch.
Its really quiet, and everyone is showing their manners and restraint at this apocoliptic time but we are not totally locked down just yet.
One thing I have noticed with schools is that children go to school and I hear them go in.
But there is no fitness or pe outside, no playing, nothing, they seem to stay inside.
There are no children playing in the mornings and afternoons and now its really quiet, at night I can hear the wind in the trees and well its quiet.
No loud music, and while a couple neighbours did some mowing earlier in the week not much.
Oh well, if there is a pluss to this virus, I get a really good night's sleep, though, as I said, we are allready restricting our out times.
Alergies are the bane of my existance.
I know without fail I have a dry cough, runny nose, and headake each morning.
I also know without fail that after some fruit, my tablet and vitimen c pill, my drops and puffer and sometimes an additional tablet I will be fine for most of the day if not all of it.
I had to have my flue injections today and had to remember not to put any bag or anything on the floor or not touch seats as I sit down a thing I have been doing automatically for years.
We have 20 cases now and climbing 8 more in 1 day 4 yesterday.
Its not as big a jump and the government says as testing improves and people return its expected to climb a little.
While I am not officially scared just yet I am taking a little more notice.
Trips and such may be restricted to well who knows local spots and with my mum needing a knee replacement its getting harder and harder.
We have a shortage of things allready, certain drugs and chemicals for example.
Eventually if this continues much longer we can basically kiss travel completely good bye.
This means no airline or anything and if public transport goes to we will be stuck in our own citties.
After that, then its only a matter of time till we lose something in our infrastructure we can't fix.
Then the bombs drop and it ends.
Yeah I may be a bit into those old movies and I sort of do that to joke about but as things get worse and worse you start thinking back to those old movies and all the zombie stuff.
In fact all we need are the zombies and that would be it.
Most of what is going on does fit an end times profile according to hollywood at least.
I know that some are ignoring isolation and getting delt with and so they should.
At the same time good things are happening.
Things like our fruit picking places and farms are trying to employ locals and anyone stuck here that needs the cash.
I can see some selfish people but there are bits and pieces of things going on.
Some music bands are giving away digital music for example.

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