Re: Let's make an audio game engine!

@40, if I believed you, I wouldn't be claiming what I claimed in 39, now would I? My code is perfectly visible; sure, I have some abandoned code up on GitHub but I do have a project that I am actively maintaining (though development has slowed right now). And code isn't everything either. You can write code without understanding how it works or what its doing. But I think I've aptly proved myself at least reasonably competent already in this particular area of the forum. Am I as knowledgeable as Camlorn? No, but to expect that of me would be unreasonable. But he and I have strengths in our own areas and weaknesses in others, and I think he'd agree that in some ways, we compliment each others skills and knowledge. In some ways I'd say all of the devs on here compliment one another's skills. We all bring different skillsets to the table -- I, for example, bring the knowledge of hardware and other low-level programming. So what do you bring, Belov? I know your post history. I know the first day I ever saw you in here, and I remember the first post I ever saw from you. And at that time, as you remember, I wasn't exactly impressed. I wasn't even remotely impressed with Jonikster either though. But people can change. Perhaps you have some hidden potential I haven't seen. If so... I'd like to see it come out because I don't want to hold onto animosity forever, yet its difficult not to throw the gauntlet down, so to speak, as I have done, due to what I know of your past self. I will say this though: I am no cattle coder. I'll let that one slide for now but that came damn near close to insulting me.

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