Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod

Because robotics are my favourite race so far, I've spent some time writing documentation for robotics. I primarily used the rules.txt file rather than the French documentation, as it was not sufficiently detailed. I'll be doing technological next, and will update this post as I add more documentation.

Robotics race

The large amounts of gold required to develop buildings may deter some - especially since all units require at least a secondary building, However, once the infrastructure has been developed, robotic units can be recruited at relatively low cost. Additionally, with the exception of geeks, no robotic unit requires food. Robotic units are relatively fragile but have excellent offences; robots are the only race with units capable of attacking grounded and airborn targets in adjacent squares. Finally, it should be noted that robots are vulnerable  against invisible enemies, as developing the technology to see invisible units takes some time.

Towers and traps do not need to be constructed on meadows; these buildings can be anywhere in a square. It may be appropriate , for example, to construct traps on bridges and paths.

this race's town hall building. Unlike the town hall building of other races, this building does not have upgrades.
‧ total cost: 12 gold, 15 wood
‧ total time cost: 135 seconds
‧ health: 150 hp
‧ can store: gold, wood
‧ can recruit: geek

Mini Computer:
This is a prerequisite for the robotics factory and magnesite extractor.
‧ requires: Garage:
‧ total cost: 128 gold
‧ total time cost: 128 seconds
‧ health: 128 hp
‧ armor: 1 hp
‧ can upgrade to: mainframe computer

Mainframe Computer
This is a prerequisite for the signal modulator and optical laboratory.
‧ total cost: 384 gold
‧ total time cost: 256 seconds
‧ health: 256 hp
‧ armor: 1 hp
‧ can upgrade to: Super Computer

Super Computer
This is a prerequisite for the particle accelerator.
‧ total cost: 896 gold
‧ total time cost: 512 seconds
‧ health: 512 hp
‧ armor: 1 hp

Robotics Factory
This building is used to recruit all  robotic combat units.
‧ requires: minicomputer
‧ total cost: 32 gold
‧ total time cost: 128 seconds
‧ health: 128 hp
‧ armor: 1 hp
‧ can recruit: magnetic shooter, laser shooter, mobile sensor, magnetic cannon, plasma cannon, drone, laser vessel

magnesite extractor
Prerequisite for flying units, magnetic towers, electric traps, magnetic shooters and magnetic cannons.
‧ requires: minicomputer
‧ total cost: 24 gold
‧ total time cost: 90 seconds
‧ health: 100 hp
‧ armor: 1 hp
‧ can research: high quality magnesite, highest quality magnesite

Signal modulator
Important for detecting invisible units as it allows construction of radar towers and recruitment of drones and mobile sensors.
‧ requires: mainframe computer
‧ total cost: 24 gold
‧ total time cost: 80 seconds
‧ health: 128 hp
‧ armor: 1 hp

Optical laboratory
Important for detecting invisible units as it allows construction of radar towers and recruitment of drones and mobile sensors.
‧ requires: mainframe computer
‧ total cost: 32 gold
‧ total time cost: 80 seconds
‧ health: 128 hp
‧ armor: 1 hp
‧ can research: laser power

Particle accelerator
Provides access to plasma cannons.
‧ requires: Super computer
‧ total cost: 64 gold
‧ total time cost: 100 seconds
‧ health: 256 hp
‧ armor: 1 hp
‧ can research: plasma power

magnetic tower
Can Attack multiple grounded and airborn enemies simultaneously at close range.
‧ requires: magnesite extractor
‧ total cost: 24 gold
‧ total time cost: 120 seconds
‧ is buildable anywhere
‧ health: 60 hp
‧ armor: 1 hp
‧ attack damage: 10 hp every 6 seconds on both airborn and ground targets
‧ attack range: 3 metres
‧ damage radius (attack's area of effect): 0.5 metres
‧ can see into adjacent squares
‧ potential improvements: high quality magnesite, highest quality magnesite
‧ special abilities: magnetic storm, hypnosis

Laser tower
Can fire rapidly at both airborn and grounded targets at long range.
‧ requires: optical laboratory
‧ total cost: 16 gold
‧ total time cost: 100 seconds
‧ is buildable anywhere
‧ health: 64 hp
‧ armor: 1 hp
‧ attack damage: 5 hp every 0.75 seconds on both airborn and ground targets
‧ attack upgrade bonus: 1 hp
‧ attack range: 8 metres
‧ potential improvements: laser power

Radar tower
Enables detection of invisible units and allows viewing any square on the map for a short time.
‧ requires: signal modulator
‧ total cost: 12 gold
‧ total time cost: 100 seconds
‧ is buildable anywhere
‧ health: 64 hp
‧ armor: 1 hp
‧ detects invisible units
‧ special abilities: radar image

Electric Trap
A fragile building that can do enormous damage to grounded units.
‧ requires: magnesite extractor
‧ total cost: 10 gold
‧ total time cost: 30 seconds
‧ is buildable anywhere
‧ health: 1 hp
‧ armor: 1 hp
‧ attack damage: 50 hp every 30 seconds on ground targets
‧ attack range: 1.25 metres
‧ damage radius (attack's area of effect): 0.75 metres
‧ is invisible
‧ potential improvements: high quality magnesite, highest quality magnesite

Except for geeks, all robotic units are not healable, but they can be repaired. This means that they are immune to skills that specifically affect healable units.

Peasants of this race that collect resources, construct buildings and repairs other units.
‧ recruited by: garage
‧ total cost: 6 gold
‧ total food cost: 1 ration
‧ total time cost: 7 seconds
‧ health:  6 hp
‧ attack:  1 hp per second on ground targets
‧ attack range:  0.7 meter
‧ speed:  1.6 meters per second

Magnetic Shooter
‧ requires: magnesite extractor
‧ recruited by: robot factory
‧ total cost: 8 gold
‧ total time cost: 10 seconds
‧ health:  8 hp
‧ attack:  2 hp every 2 seconds on both airborn and grounded targets
‧ attack range:  6 metres
‧ speed:  1.8 meters per second
‧ potential improvements: high quality magnesite, highest quality magnesite

Laser Shooter
‧ requires: optical laboratory
‧ recruited by: robot factory
‧ total cost: 8 gold
‧ total time cost: 8 seconds
‧ health:  8 hp
‧ attack:  2.66 hp every 0.75 seconds on both airborn and grounded targets
‧ attack upgrade bonus: 1 hp
‧ attack range:  7 metres
‧ speed:  1.8 meters per second
‧ potential improvements: laser power

Magnetic Cannon
More powerful than magnetic shooters, magnetic cannons can attack enemies in adjacent tiles but cannot defend itself against enemies on its current tile.
‧ requires: magnesite extractor
‧ recruited by: robot factory
‧ total cost: 16 gold
‧ total time cost: 16 seconds
‧ health:  8 hp
‧ attack:  4.66 hp every 3.33 seconds on both airborn and grounded targets
‧ attack range:  12 metres
‧ can attack enemies in adjacent squares
‧ speed:  1.4 meters per second
‧ potential improvements: high quality magnesite, highest quality magnesite

Plasma Cannon
The most powerful cannon type. It can attack enemies in adjacent tiles but is unable to defend itself against enemies on the same tile.
‧ requires: particle accelerator
‧ recruited by: robot factory
‧ total cost: 24 gold
‧ total time cost: 24 seconds
‧ health:  16 hp
‧ attack:  10 hp every 2 seconds on both airborn and grounded targets
‧ attack upgrade bonus: 3 hp
‧ (?) appears to do splash damage, but the damage radius is not specified
‧ attack range:  12 metres
‧ can attack enemies in adjacent squares
‧ speed:  1.4 meters per second
‧ potential improvements: plasma power
‧ can upgrade to: overheated plasma cannon

Overheated Plasma Cannon
The upgraded form of plasma cannons, overheated plasmas can do enormous amounts of damage before expiring.
‧ total cost: 28 gold
‧ total time cost: 24 seconds
‧ health:  12 hp
‧ attack:  12 hp every 0.75 seconds on both airborn and grounded targets
‧ attack upgrade bonus: 4 hp
‧ (?) appears to do splash damage, but the damage radius is not specified
‧ attack range:  12 metres
‧ can attack enemies in adjacent squares
‧ speed:  1.4 meters per second
‧ is a temporary unit that expires after 10 minutes
‧ potential improvements: plasma power

Mobile Sensor
‧ requires: signal modulator
‧ total cost: 8 gold
‧ total time cost: 8 seconds
‧ health:  8 hp
‧ speed:  1.8 meters per second
‧ can see into adjacent tiles
‧ detects invisible units

‧ requires: signal modulator and magnesite extractor
‧ total cost: 8 gold
‧ total time cost: 8 seconds
‧ health:  8 hp
‧ speed:  2 meters per second
‧ is an airborn unit
‧ can see into adjacent tiles
‧ is invisible
‧ detects invisible units

Laser Vessel
‧ requires: optical laboratory and magnesite extractor
‧ total cost: 16 gold
‧ total time cost: 16 seconds
‧ health:  16 hp
‧ attack:  1.75 hp every 0.75 seconds on both airborn and grounded targets
‧ attack upgrade bonus: 1 hp
‧ attack range:  7 metres
‧ speed:  2 meters per second
‧ is an airborn unit
‧ can transport other units
‧ can see into adjacent squares
‧ potential improvements: laser power

All robotic research improves offensive capability. It should be noted that magnesite research provides nice bonuses - use them.

High Quality Magnesite
‧ total cost: 32 gold
‧ total time cost: 150 seconds
‧ effect: damage + 1.66
‧ Applies to: magnetic units and magnetic storms

Highest Quality Magnesite
‧ requires: high quality magnesite
‧ total cost: 64 gold
‧ total time cost: 300 seconds
‧ effect: damage + 2.66
‧ Applies to: magnetic units and magnetic storms

Laser power
‧ total cost: 48 gold
‧ total time cost: 120 seconds
‧ applies the damage bonus of that unit
‧ Applies to: laser units

Plasma Power
‧ total cost: 80 gold
‧ total time cost: 120 seconds
‧ effect: applies the damage bonus for that unit
‧ Applies to: plasma and overheated plasma cannons

Magnetic storm
Summons a magnetic storm in a random square anywhere on the map to attack enemy buildings and units with lightning. The storm cannot be attacked but will disappear after a while. Magnetic storms are convertable.

Converts an enemy building or enemy unit so that it joins the users team. Is usable on targets on the current or  in adjacent tiles.

Radar image
Allows the user to view any square on the map for a short time.


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