Re: how far have we really taken these rules on the forum!

If it was just the sound design, we could talk, but Japanese games are better at practicly everything, and if you don't want to accept that it's your choice, but anyone who seriously plays audiogames will say this as a fact. Again, voice acting you say? One free non Japanese game that does voice acting well? I could think only of the blind swordsman, but that again doesn't come anywhere near the size of Shadow rine. Even Manamon rather does the story in textual form to avoid even more costs of hiring actors to do the job. I'm not even sure what your point is, since yes, Japanese games do have a different standard. Look at Planet saga, it's just a concept demo and yet we have nothing like it. We all know that the BK series is pretty much the best sidescroller we have. This includes free and paid, and now if we limit it to just free games, we better not even talk about it. Whether our developers can or can't do better is not something I can answer, but I can answer that they currently don't. Again, my question is simple, point to non Japanese games that are free, have some good replay value  or come close to the size of CP and meet your legal sounds requirements. Even Super Liam, Judgment day, all of these have been paid at their time. Surely if you can't find one non Japanese game, they do have a different standard we aren't even close to yet? Now whether we as a community are used to accepting average games, hell yes. Is CP an average game? Most certainly no. It's in the category of top free games for sure. You are playing only one mode of CP actively, since as you said yourself you  don't like minigames that much, and I do respect that, but you have to understand that CP is 2 and a half games in one. On one side you have the battle mode you know, on the other a list of over 200 minigames you can play, and on the third side a list of about 50 micro games. If you think all these ideas are just stolen from others, you are really wrong. Taking the battle mode for example, the only thing that is stolen here are the Pokemon attack names. The concept is different from anything else. Yes, it can remind us of Pokemon or other card battling games, but it is most certainly not the same and cards as well as the whole battle system just works on it's own. Many ideas, especially recently have been contributed by the community and it is far from copy pasting ideas. Same goes for minigames. The concept borrows quite a lot from Mario party, but again, you have a lot of unique games which either Pragma or the community came up with. Micro games as far as I know is something unique to Crazy party and isn't an idea from anywhere, but perhaps I am wrong. In one of your previous posts it sounded like your impression is that Pragma only coded the game, just copying ideas the same way it worked for the sounds, nevermind that the sounds weren't just copied into the game either. Not entirely sure what your huge issue with CP all of a sudden is other than the sounds, but there are some facts to clear this up. It only conveniently happens to work that the only games that come anywhere close to this and are free come from Japan. I never meant to make any racist comment, it would be silly since I'm not even from Japan, but as I said this was always the case that the best audiogames come from there. I would personally say that the only reason Pragma can keep CP free is due to not having any sound costs associated with the game. Is this perfect and should this always be the case? Most certainly no. However, are we stealing anything from the artists who created all this work? That's yet again a no. We aren't making any money, nor is Pragma, and they are or were paid regardless of what happens with CP. The point would be much different if the game was paid. You  would have every right to argue that we are indirectly stealing money from the companies who created the sounds. You have also previously mentioned and compared how comes that our community jumps when we see code stealing, but this type of sound stealing is perfectly ok. This really should not need explaining again, but the code is being stolen from people who devote their time, their limited free time to making an audiogame. They aren't being paid at all, usually their income from the game  is 0 dollars. All they have is their code, and stealing their work in this case, being that we are primarily a site supporting audiogame developers should really be treated the same as sharing audiogame cracks. Stealing sounds isn't  okay either, I can only accept it in the case of CP because of the reasons already outlined above. It is a huge company that doesn't lose anything if one tiny audiogame for 200 players suddenly starts using their assets. I would argue that if Jayde was to create a game, and the game would be paid 10 dollars, suddenly it gets cracked, your loss would be a lot larger, perhaps making you never want to create another game comparing to if Jayde was working at Nintendo and enjoying his sallary regardless of what happens and not even knowing that Crazy party exists somewhere. That's the final conclusion of this post addressing some of the recent points brought up. Before you complain how it's hypocritical, so is the way the site is dealing with the issue. And it will continue being hypocritical even if CP was removed. If you say that one of the reasons is because people constantly blame you oh you are removing this but you aren't dealing with CP, well dealing with CP won't stop that, they will just find a new target game. That's unfortunately a sideeffect of being a forum administrator.

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