Re: Just wanted to provide an update on Max-Lib

@13, the problem with your agnosticism comparison between operating systems and actual games/game engines is that an operating system provides critical services and functionality required for a game -- or any executable binary, for that matter, in some executable format like ELF or PE -- to be executed and to function properly. It does this through abstractions like system calls and other mechanisms to abstract away the underlying physical machine from the programs that actually run on it. A program does not need to be aware of, for example, how a pixel is drawn onto the screen because the GPU drivers handle that for the program, and abstract away the underlying complexities and mechanisms of how the GPU operates. All the driver has to do is expose a system call or two. The problem arises when you try to slip in max as the supposed "operating system" abstraction layer. You can't. That is the hard, cold truth. The only way your going to get this to work with mainstream game engines that may not even have plugin support is to write a kernel-mode driver that intercepts graphics calls. Max will not be what you think it will be. It cannot be an agnostic mechanism for any game engine to use because even if you were to make it agnostic, a game engine will still have to implement its facilities. You can't just drop Max into (say) MK 11 and expect it to work out of the box; MK 11 has to be able to support Max, to detect it even exists, and to utilize it. That is why Camlorn said that this was such an infeasible goal. The comparison between OS and Max being some kind of plugin just doesn't hold -- an OS is about a million times more complex, and far lower level, than Max is. And making it agnostic through a kernel-mode driver will be a very, very non-trivial task, because every kernel-mode environment is different on every operating system.

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