Re: What do you think of this video?

Well said camlorn, post 54.  And to just clarify, I'll simply reiterate that we're not ok with rioting out on the streets.  What is the difference between what's going on in Washington and what's going on here in Florida?  In our county a bunch of people peacefully walked out of work, organized across the entirety of our county and were joined by business owners and finally the police themselves!  Everyone was civil; everyone was made aware of what was going on!  At the end of the walk, the Palm Bay police chief grabbed up a megaphone and addressed the crowd of demonstrators saying, "Putting your knee on someone's neck is not allowed here!"
the crowd applauded as the rain continued to pour down upon them.  the police force showed that they were just as human as each and every single protestor by wearing raincoats and holding out umbrellas, while the national weather service issued severe weather warnings for surrounding cities and wind gusts of up to 50MPH.  It was important to everyone present, from media to the police force, from the youngest participant to the oldest, from the PD chief to the founder of the Space Coast Stars semiprofessional basketball team who helped organize the event, all stood together.
And when you say that this isn't your problem, when you say they're just overhyping it, when you say they're illegitimate, when you say they don't have a right, what you're saying is that you don't care.  What you're saying is that their lives don't matter.  the all lives matter quote has become as sickening to me as the idea that "I'm not a racist but..."  Anything right after that phrase is something you know, regardless whether you choose to admit it, is likely to offend.  You can look the other way when someone presents the numbers to you.  You can talk over them!  You can tell them it's not happening like they say it is or that it's not as bad as they think it is.  When you do, however, you're showcasing that you're just as unwilling to have a heart as the bad eggs who stick out and choose to start riots instead of protests, and I'm sorry, but I won't feel any pity for you when it's you being teargassed.
So, if you want to voice your opinions, you're entitled to them!  Of course you are!  That's what these demonstrations are all about, even if they're not all going about it the right way!  they're about the First Amendment right in the US constitution!  when all you want to say is that your voice should be the only one that should be considered, be prepared for others not to like you for it!  If you're willing to collectively stand, however, if you're willing to talk, if you're willing to converse, then you're doing the hard job, and then you can get back on your high horse and tell the world you did something worth talking about.  while you sit around stating that all lives matter equally, remember that no matter how much you say that, the world is not ideal and thus not all lives are valued equally, because if they were, you wouldn't feel the need to make that statement.  Ideally, yes, all lives would matter, and all lives should matter, but until white lives, black lives, Hispanic and native lives and blind and deaf and self-contained and autistic, and young and old and rich and poor, when any and every other lives all come together and entertwine in a beautiful tapestry that is not all about who's lives matter more, all lives will be in trouble, and because we're all much more tempted to do what's easy than to do what's right, we'll all keep forgetting when our lives are on the line, that their lives matter, too!

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