Inquisitor's Heartbeat now available for Mac and PC


NEW RELEASE: Inquisitor’s Heartbeat, the new audio game from TiconBlu and RisingPixel is now available in English for PC and Mac.
We at TiconBlu are glad to announce “Inquisitor’s Heartbeat, based on the character of Nicholas Eymerich, Inquisitor, created by Valerio Evangelisti, the popular Italian writer.

PODCAST: … and-beyond
As usual, we worked very hard on the game accessibility. To do that we have asked to a big fan and friend of us, Davide Cantoni, who is unsighted. Davide started testing Inquisitor’s Heartbeat since the very first version, and gave us a big deal of information and feedback, which helped us significantly improving it.

TEASER: The hazard is invisible to the eyes.
Your only allies are your ears.
Explore up to 35 audio scenarios, search, escape and don’t get caught by the sentinels… Or by something even worse than that.
Feel the Inquisitor’s heart beating! Play Inquisitor’s Heartbeat.

GAME DESCRIPTION: Inquisitor’s Heartbeat catapults the player right into the 1300s, the height of the brutal Inquisition.
Accused of heresy for being in possession of a forbidden book, Nicholas Eymerich, the game’s main character is imprisoned in the dungeon of a castle: he must escape from his cell and retrieve the precious book that has been stolen from him, before it is taken to the monastery beyond the forest, and destroyed forever.
In more than 6 hours of gameplay, the player has to find his way through 35 labyrinthine levels divided into 7 different settings, without being spotted by guards and ferocious beasts, trusting only his own ears.
There is also an ‘endless’ game mode, where the mazes are generated one after the other, always with a different map.
Developed for PC and Mac, and going to be available also for iOS, Inquisitor’s Heartbeat is the result of a joint effort by Rising Pixel and Ornitocopter, with the soundtrack by the talented Luca Rungi, and TiconBlu as publisher.

GAME INSTRUCTIONS: you can play with Inquisitor’s Heartbeat mainly using the arrow keys to move (one step at a time) in the selected direction. Use the space bar to interact with the surrounding environment (pull levers, push, etc.). The main tool to use though is your hearing and your memory, to create a mental map of the dark settings you are exploring.
Your character always moves in the selected direction at the same pace, one step at a time: just like moving on a chessboard.
It is essential that you count your steps, listening to the different noises from the ground, paying attention to the echo and the sound variations, or if you bang into a wall... you're probably going in the wrong direction!

PRICE: 19,90€

WHAT TO DO: Visit … l?lang=eng to purchase your licensed copy.
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