Re: Help me with a little Manamon 2 Fun

here would be my ideal setup for a full team of Artisoul.

1: Physical Sweeper (Irod Pendant, Chrono Core)
Moves: Hone Blade, Earthquake, Blaze Rampage, Spirit Force/Clobber, Crystal Slash/Black Ice/Nature Dance/Sparking Tail
Train points: attack and speed
Purpose: physical sweeping; huge coverage, and Hone Blade gives it plenty of clout

2. Speedy Sweeper (Angel Pendant, Ambush Guard)
Moves: Rev Up, Protect, Stone Spin, Swift Slam, Blaze Punch
Train points: speed, followed by a bit of attack, followed by defenses and HP
Purpose: Rev Up gives passive speed boosts every round, which will boost Stone Spin and Swift Slam to ridiculous heights eventually; Blaze Punch for the steel types who don't care about either of those moves; the only manamon in the game that will easily survive this set is Pandourbit, though Craggalem may be troublesome as well

3. Special Sweeper (Chrono Core, whatever the magical equivalent of Irod Pendant is, I misremember at present)
Moves: Hone Mind, Sonic Force, Flood/Poison Pressure, Shadow Sphere/Beyond Bolt/Mighty Shuriken, Superspark/Freeze Ray/Plague
Train points: special attack, speed
Purpose: covers a bunch of types, but don't get redundant; if you have Spirit Force on the physical Artisoul, don't put Beyond Bolt on the special one. There are even more options than I've listed here, but these are attacks that you really want on your team.

4. Annoyer (angel pendant)
Moves: Pollution Solution, Protect, Powerfang, Subliminal Radio Wave/Magic Lights, Horrify/Sturdy Stone/Stonewall
Train points: HP and defenses
Purpose: to annoy the ever-loving snot out of everything that isn't a boss. Confusion is here because it's very rare to come across a manamon that isn't vulnerable to it. Some manamon (especially ghosts) will not be harmed by Powerfang, and some manamon will be immune to poison, but to my knowledge, nothing is straight-up immune to confusion, poison and Powerfang all at once. If this thing can't take down its current target, just switch. Your last move depends on what you want to do. Horrify will lead to even more difficulty in hitting you, and will help you stay alive. Sturdy Stone is situational, but pairs well with Confusion. Stonewall sets a trap, never misses, and will ensure that your foe can't get away; less useful in tamer battles because tamers don't switch.

5. Boss Killer (Re-arm Band)
Moves: Final Thunder, Contained Quake, Stun Volt, Subliminal Radio Wave, Condemn
Train points: split three ways between attack, special attack and speed
Purpose: Both of its attacking moves are big nukes which sharply lower its stats. Re-arm Band will let it come back to its normal stats once a move is used a second time. Parafuse (paralysis+confusion) works well on most bosses,a nd in many instances you aren't alone, so pair this with one or both sweepers for best effects. Condemn will soften up a boss if used once, so this will further enable your team to do damage.

6. El Cheapo (Speed Anklet V2.0)
Moves: Ultrascent, Soul Ripper, Zap Slam, Blind Rush, Aerial Caper
Train points: speed first, then HP and some attack
Purpose: You want this thing to be quick, because it may have to spend every other turn using Ultrascent in order to do big damage. Zap Slam and Blind Rush are for when the OHKO won't work, and Aerial Caper will give you even more speed, plus beef up your electric and fighting moves, one of which will cause paralysis and the other of which is big damage and an enormous crit chance (again, only Pandourbit will resist both moves, and he dies to Soul Ripper).

This team is not invincible, but it's the best I could scratch out in fifteen minutes or so. You could make a screen-setter, a tank, a status avoider with Team Immunity, but I really don't see the point.

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