Re: Moderator Application: Summer, 2020

Greetings to all. I would like to apply for the moderator position because I think it's time I give something back to this community. I've been a member of this forum since 2008 and I have some good memories about it. I received a lot of help, I did my best to help others and I can say this place became like a second home to me, it's the place where I come when I am bored, when I need help regarding my gaming hobby and where I feel most confortable discussing blindness related stuff. I have an optimistic view on life in general so this "downfall" in the forum's content, speciffically the many drama topics and flame wars haven't affected me in any way, I preffer to watch and not intervene when I have nothing constructive to say.
I have been an admin in some online games in the past, Speciffically Death Match, a new beginning, humans versus robots, Firefight and possibly others I can't remember right now. Sofar My relationships with the players were cordial and I believe I was seen as a fair and relaxed admin. I've never believed that my friends should be superior to other players, friendship ends where admin duties start, if a friend of mine were to make mistakes he would be treated in the same way as everyone. I have experience working in teams, I have contributed to several projects during my master studies where I would require to work with a team of around 10 people, all of them sighted. I like to treat everyone the same no matter their sexuality, religion, political inclinations or gender since these are personal things and it is my opinion that everyone should leave them behind when interacting in a public place just to have a safer and drama free environment. If the topic is games then talk about them and leave sexuality behind, you could be a female goblin with hairy ears and I couldn't care less.
One of my weaknesses is that I tend to leave things solve themselves out sometimes, I tend to let people find a solution for the discussion than intervening, You can say I am inclined to be light handed in administering punishments because I believe that everyone deserves a second chance.
I am available from 20 to 30 hours per week, this largely depends on what I am doing in real life at the moment. For me life will be always a priority over internet and over the forum so I can't guarantee a solid comitment if things change. All I can guarantee is that I will do my best to keep this place clean of spammers and drama free while I am online.
Sadly, I haven't found the time to learn discord yet simply because I had no interest in it till now. I would be willing to learn it though because I've heard many good things about it, It is one of my goals for this summer, a tutorial would be wellcome. big_smile

@Jill, you seem like you are criticizing a developper for no apparent reason and your post serves no purpose other than to start a flame war. For this, and for the fact that you had been banned before for personal attacks I give you a warning. If you keep arguing about John's work without any arguments and any evidence why you think it's not good you will receive a 6 months ban since this seems like an attempt to hide a personal attack under an unproven point to me.
@John: I understand that you think Jill has been criticising and arguing with you for no apparent reason than to make you jump but your post was unnecessary and uncalled for. If you think you are attacked for no reason please report the posts to the mods and let us decide. By attacking back you have only inflated an already huge enough war and for this you receive a warning for personal attacks.
@Juan, I understand you don't like this kind of posts and that you are trying to do a good thing by making the involved parties stop but you are not helping, you are just adding more fuel to the flame. If you see such posts again please report them and try to keep out of the discussion if you have nothing valuable to add to it.

I wanted to do this moderation thing for so long big_smile

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