computer power suplie exploded, is any thing else damaged?

Hi. Today, i wantted to power on my desktop pc. Was 2 weeks not at home and wanted to check some stuff. Powered tthe thing on and it went on and off for  a while. I did not wonder at first cause it sometimes does that when it was longer turned off, maybe i had tbetter taken atention to that for longer. But when it did that the thirt time in a follow up and also the on off breaks got shorter and shorter i was then starting to wonder a bit cause usually it happens only once, not 4 times. Then it suddenly stopped and i was about to turn of the power when i then heard that one of the fans was suddenly coming back, how ever it sounded like it was only trying and not geting enough power, then suddenly a strange squeaking noise and boom! Glat every thing staid in the pc and notthing went out and i still had my fingers on the power switch. But the thing already smelld like a cigarett. A sighted person then opened the thing and saw that one of tthe condensators blew up, blocking the power suplies fan from starting properly, and that was probably where the boom came from as well. I how ever seriously wonder how this happened. I mean, if i had the power turned on while i was not at home it would be clear but the thing was completely powerless, and last time i powered it 2 weeks aggo it worked just fine, it even worked great since it was not so long aggo, in fact only a few days, that it got a ram update. So now i mainly am conncerned about 2 things.
1. Is it possible that any other hartware got damaged from the ttime it tried to power on and went of and again on and of and so on? The other person said that was all looking fine except of the liquit tthat came out of the power suply, but who knows.
2. Have you ever had similar experiences with desktop pcs? The thing was only 5 years old and i have seen pcs longer survive under harder conditions, like the pc of my mom is almost 10 years old and still works perfect.
3. Could it be tthat this happened due to my room beeing pritty dusty for what ever reason so i had to clean the fans like all 3 months, so would it maybe make sense to place the thing maybe on and not under the table or something like that?
Well, i kinda want to repair the thing and would be glat to see it working. It is like the most reliable pc i had in a while and when you take this out, i had never mayor problems with the thing. Also it is kind of needed for school and i started my coding on the thing, sad

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