Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.2)


During the development of the mod, we thought of a nomadic race. But the ability to move seems hard-coded by class. Perhaps the classes should be more
flexible and the ability to move should be available or disable by the speed parameter ?

One good solution to create a moving / non-moving units or buildings, is use the upgrade_to_option.

for example, if you want have a building that it can move, but when its moving can't research or trains any unit (like starcraft buildings airships) It needs two forms. One, in that its speed is 0, and other, in  its speed is more than 0, but can't make any of its other abilities.
The first form, can Upgrade to the second form, and the second form can return to the first. The problem of this is that you need balancing the cost of both forms, or making a prebuilt form that have the cost, and next, the two real forms have a total cost of 0, and only a time cost of transformation.
But wit h the current soundrts, is totally possible do it.

... well, soundmud make it before I say this xdd.

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