Re: Starting in linux

@5: yes, there are many very interesting distributions of Linux.
For example, KaliLinux is a Debian fork designed specially for hacking, with repos containing all the necessary software to attack all sorts of things, from encrypted archives, through hashed passwords to websites, databases and physical devices.
Qubes OS is another project, which is focused primarily on security. User doesn't work in a single operating environment, but instead, as I understand it, creates a separate sandbox called qube for each activity he / she wants to do. I could for example have a qube for programming, a qube for school and theoretical study, a qube for visiting untrusted websites etc. Then, if I for example got a virus in the qube for untrusted websites, my documents would stay safe, as they're located in a different qube. Similarly, if I caught a virus in the programming qube, for example because of using a malicious dependency in one of my projects, it couldn't spy, as my e-mails for example are in a different qube, and even if it decided to delete all my files and I didn't have a backup, that would be pitty, but at least my documents and other data would stay untouched. Of course, backing up your data is always a good practice, I've used this only as an example.
I didn't try it out yet, but I'm definitely planning to do so. I've found few informations about some accessibility efforts, I'm curious, what they've done already.

LXDE is another interesting Linux thing. It's an environment, which is, according to descriptions, able to fit under 500 MB of ram usage.
For comparison, Windows when doing nothing consumes about 2.2 to 2.5 GB on my machine.

Why is this important, when we normally have computers with 8 or 16 GB of memory?
Well, it's not just more efficient, but also for example LXDE is small enough to fit to a modern Smartphone and run along Android without bigger issues.
I didn't try this yet from a blind user's perspective, but there are sighted people: … ne-765408/
who seem to like doing it like this for programming and other activities, where a mobile system is... well, not quite enough.

With additional 500 MB of ram usage, on my Samsung Galaxy A20E, where Android itself takes about 1.1 from 3 GB ram, I would still have about half of my random access memory available.
For comparison, Windows with its memory usage doesn't even fit to it, neither does it with disk usage (as we all know, the C:\windows folder has a tendency to grow bigger and bigger over time), and even if one managed to push it there somehow, it wouldn't work anyway, as arm builds are still rather an experiment as far as I know.

So, there is really a large field to explore. Starting out on a classical system like Ubuntu mate is a good idea in my opinion, as it will get one prepared for the environment. After taking this preparation, one can explore, explore and explore, enjoying all the possibilities.

I'm feeling a bit like a Linux banner right now, heh, but it doesn't matter.
When I was reading articles of type "why to choose Linux over Windows", for some reasons, all those I've read contained informations not really interesting for me. May be I'm just strange, but no need for restarts after installations somehow doesn't attract me (and it's even not true, although regular package updates don't require restarts, Ubuntu actually prompted me for restart one time, and when I was developing Chinfusor, the speech module for reading texts written in foreign alphabets, I've always needed to restart session after applying a new version).
Thus I'm propagating things interesting for me, and there is quite lot of them. For example Linux interprocess communication, although that's rather a programming stuff.

Best regards


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