Re: Sad to read this

Here is one point no one has brought up though,
If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all?
I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take  his history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will; or might;  happen again in these elections;  popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.
That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,
Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.
Way I look at it to put it as a analogy. Switching to the side of those against trump with this,
You have a pitbool who you know is aggressive. Having the knowledge of said pitbull beeing aggressive or having the tendency to be aggressive, would you release or take the animal into a place with, say, children, and when the dog eventually attacks someone... You will say what. You knew said pitbull had aggressive tendencies, so then why in the heck did you brought it into a place where someone could have very well gotten injured or killed?
Picture trump as the pitbull, and the people as the owner of the pitbull. That's where i'm getting at with my first paragraph of this post. If people knew that trump wouldn't be a good choice,  in said case, he wouldn't have been allowed to run for president in the first place, if people say he is this bad. If you had said knowledge he was like this, you wouldn't have allow him to run for president in the first place...

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