Re: Sad to read this

There are a ton of people in america killing themselves and others, engaging in race wars, and whites have nothing to do witj it. Thats something else that needs to be dealt with. And to that end, the situation could probably be handled differently and involve everyone, and i will outline why, based on what I actually had the privilege to experience in highschool.

I am not against some kind of awareness program that not only tackles races, but cultures, religions, sexual orientations, stereotypes and prejudices in general, because I got to participate in such a program during my freshman year of high school. After participating in some event where I was to discuss the issues I had to deal with as a disabled individual, I was invited on a camping trip arranged by the school, along with about 70 other kids. It was entirely optional, and I could opt not to go at any time, but I didnt because I was curious and wanted to learn. The camping trip lasted about 4 days, and there were definitely some difficult moments as we were forced to confront some difficult issues through various exercises, but there was always good reason behind them.

Let me give just some examples. One dayz we had to draw a piece of paper from a container on which was written several disabilities. One had you dimucktape your arm behind your back, another had you ducktape both arms behind your back, another had you bound to a wheelchair, and another had you blindfolded. Whichever one you drew, you had to endure for about 6 hours or so, even as we had lunch, so everyone had to help each other because during that time, everyone had a disability. The purpose of that exercise was to demonstrate to us what it felt like to be disabled through simulation, and everyone walked away from that with a better understanding.

On the very last day, we were subject to simulated segregation, where everyone was given colored tags, and we all had to stay with our own groups. Each group was assigned specific duties, and we were not allowed to interact with our friends from other groups. Bathroom stalls were assigned based on color, heck some kids didn't even have any colors, and they couldn't interact with anyone. This went on for a few hours until we as a group decided that enough was enough and all came together in defiance. Turns out, that was what we were supposed to do. That exercise was sure as hell a difficult one, but having experienced segregation myself through simulation, I can day with confidence that its stupid and hurtful.

These were just a couple examples of exercises designed to teach us to be opened to others and the things they have to deal with, granting usually the ability to be empathetic, rather than just sympathetic. By the end of the trip, we were all closer together with each other from the hardships we had to endure together, and thats why i am who I am today. That is also why I feel like crt is too narrow and stringent. Why should the program only apply to whites? Why is it mandatory, and come so late in a person's life when their opinions are already formed? Why can't we all work together, taught to overcome racial and stereotypical barriers as a group of individuals, rather than as a single race? That is ultimately why I feel as i do on the matter.

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