Re: GpT3 makes a job. Went great!

Yeah, it is obvious that NFB related content was part of the training material but that it really doesn't truly understand the subject.

At16 guessing you used parts of OOTP for that one? I just fed it a battle scene from the Phoenix on the Sword by Robert E. Howard and this is what it came up with. No editing by me, all the AI:

He knocked a outlaw's knife out of his hand and kicked the fellow in the chest, breaking his ribs. He buried his blade deep in the belly of another. As fast as they fell before him the Cimmerian moved on without pause, turning from the path of bloody destruction to find new victims.

Outlaws crowded about him, but he was like a wolf in the center of a pack of snarling hounds, fast and deadly. He smashed an outlaw's nose with the heavy pommel of the sword, sending him sprawling to drive his blade through a bulging eye.
He knocked another outlaw's dagger aside with his ax before burying it in the man's throat. With a superhuman feat of strength he ripped the blade free, even as an outlaw tried to hold the blade fast and another jammed his dagger into the Cimmerian's ribs.
He screamed in agony as blood ran down his chest, but with a roar he ripped the dagger out and plunged it into the outlaw's groin.
His enemies fell back for a moment, realizing the fury of the man who nearly wiped out their band with barely any effort.
The Cimmerian stood among the bodies of eight men, three dead at his feet, five writhing in their last death-throes. He was blood from head to toe, his eyes were manic, and he breathed like a winded stag.
"Come on, you dogs! Who's next?" he roared.

There was a moment of pause as the remaining outlaws looked at each other, and the Cimmerian laughed madly. Then one stepped forward with a sword raised in his hand.
"Come on then!"
They swarmed him, but the Cimmerian was like a demon unleashed.
A sweeping stroke cleaved a outlaw's foot off at the ankle, and he screamed. The next man tried to plunge a dagger into his side, but the Cimmerian twisted and ripped it out of his hand before slamming the pommel into his face.
He fell senseless to the ground, and the Cimmerian used his blade to hack off his head.
He hacked down another with a wild swing that nearly took the man's arm off at the shoulder, he stumbled back screaming as blood poured from his ruined flesh.
The blade bit into his neck and felled him. The next man thrust with his sword, the Cimmerian side-stepped and ran him through. He twisted the blade and ripped it free, blood running down the silvered steel.
One man tried to run, but the Cimmerian cleaved his arm off at the shoulder.
He fell screaming while the Cimmerian turned to face the others. Another tried to attack from his flank, but the Cimmerian blocked his blade, stepped inside the reach of his sword and jammed the pommel into his face. The outlaw crumpled to his knees and the Cimmerian cleaved his head in two.

He turned to face the rest of them, bloody and torn, but unbroken. They formed a circle around him, weapons raised, but none were willing to rush him. He grinned, blood dripping from his teeth like a wolf.
"Is that all then? Am I the last one left?" he laughed madly.

The men looked at each other and one man slowly lowered his sword. Another did likewise, and the rest quickly followed suit. The Cimmerian stood alone surrounded by the bodies of his enemies, laughing harshly.
"Looks like I'm the last one left. Good, I was tired of killing your friends."
He looked down at himself, staring at the blood that covered him. "I need a bath."
With that, he laughed again and walked off into the woods, leaving them behind.
They quickly forgot about him, breaking up the bandit group and returning to their homes.

There are some obvious oddities but I'm blown away by this. I'll get bogged down in trying to wrangle it into saying what I'm looking for sometimes, but then I remember that we now have an AI that can consistently produce writing that is almost indistinguishable from that written by a human and *is* indistinguishable in most cases.

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