Re: What do you think about the Corona virus conspiracy theories?

48Sorry about this, just trying to get caught up on posts. Jack: those are all very good suggestions. Honestly, I had not considered them because I did not know anything about them. I thought about doing live streams using Patreon is something that I had heard about, but if that's something that requires video then that will not work because we don't currently have folks who can come in to provide regular visual assistance in that way.. I have been trying to figure out ways to make this work, but so long as folks want video to be included I can't because we just don't have a way to make that work. Getting paid is another thing that is of great concern. Yeah, I use PayPal, but lots of folks who might pay to support what I am doing may not desire to use that as there are still lots of folks who just don't trust online payments like that. I even thought about streaming playthroughs of games, not just audio games either, but a little of everything. Problem is, that too requires video and, as previously mentioned, I have no way to do that. I could try it, but I can't say for certain how well it would work. Could be interesting though. Thanks for suggestion those ideas. I'll look into them and see what I can find out. i appreciate it.

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