Re: creating status sounds in python

[[wow]], that is a great explination, I can totally see the sounds now! So, in the example, why is there a call to numpy and what is special about the arrays they are calling?
btw, here is the working sound file with comments. Import this module and use it like:
import beap_sound
sound = beap_sound.sound_creator(duration=1.0, frequency=440, left=0.7, right=0.3)

#our imports, numpy is required for pygame.sndarray to run and math is used for the sin and pi functions
import pygame, numpy, math

def sound_creator(duration=1.0, frequency=440, left=0.5, right=0.5, sr=44100, bits=16):
    #initialize the pygame's mixer module with default values.
    pygame.mixer.init(frequency = sample_rate, size = -bits, channels = 2)

    #This gives a number of samples in our file. Don't try to print this number, it is really big! I'm not sure why the "round" function     #is there
    n_samples = int(round(duration*sample_rate))

    #This is creating our lovely array. I'm not sure what all of it means, but the n_samples is the amount of items in our list (That     #really big number that we got above!) and the 2 there means that we are wanting 2 channels. I don't know what the other     #number is.
    buf = numpy.zeros((n_samples, 2), dtype = numpy.int16)

    #This is making sure our intijure buffer formats are inbetween -1 and 1, it is making sure we don't have a clipping sound
    max_sample = 2**(bits - 1) - 1

    #Now we are appending samples to the array we made above. I'm not sure why we didn't just do this with "buffer = [[], []]"     #above, but what ever! 
    for i in xrange(n_samples):

        #This is where we create the type of wave it is.
        #t is the time we have in seconds
        t = i/float(sr)

#This is appending the wave type numbers to the first array which on 2 channels is the left
        buf[i][0] = int(round(max_sample*left*math.sin(2*math.pi*frequency*t)))
        #Now we are doing the same to the second array which is the right
        buf[i][1] = int(round(max_sample*right*math.sin(2*math.pi*frequency*t)))

        # Now we are creating the sound through pygame's sndarray module
    sound = pygame.sndarray.make_sound(buf)

    #Now we are returning a sound that is the same as a sound object in the mixer module
    return sound

#This will only run if you run this module, it is a nice example that will play quietly in the left speaker
if __name__ == ('__main__'):
    #Change these values to suit your needs
    duration = 1.0 #in seconds
    sample_rate = 44100
    bits = 16
    frequency = 440
    left = 0.1
    right = 0.03

    #Sound is a tipical sound file like "bird.ogg"
    sound = sound_creator(duration, frequency, left, right, sample_rate, bits)

    #If you don't wait the program will exit. If you wait the duration of the sound you will get some popping when the sound is     #done. That is why I'm waiting 1.5 seconds, rather than 1.
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