Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

Blue-Eyed Demon, I don't care how the media wants me to perceive someone. I take my cues from what people say and do, not from the media telling me what to think.

When I hear that Trump denies knowing who Proud Boys were, I question it. I question it because the very night of the debate, Christopher Wallace named white supremacists and Proud Boys as partially responsible for the violence in America. I question it, as well, because Trump has a history of claiming he doesn't know someone when admitting that he does know them would get him into trouble. It's a classical distancing technique, and I have seen evidence that he has used this policy liberally. Trump said he'd condemn any group if asked; Wallace asked; Trump told them to "stand back and stand by". That's...not a condemnation. And I didn't need the media to tell me what to think. I came to the conclusion that Trump is in some way backing white supremacist groups, ostensibly because they're helping and supporting him.

When Trump came down with Covid-19, I admit I had my doubts, but mostly I believed it. As a quick aside, it makes me sad that a party lies so often and so regularly that it's no longer possible to take them at face value when they make such a statement. Anyway, Trump knows by now that close proximity is one of the things to avoid if you're contagious. He knows that wearing a mask is something to do if you're contagious, so that you don't spread the virus as easily to other people. So what did he do? He went on a joyride to showboat for his supporters on Sunday, endangering the lives of everyone else in the car with him, and when he got back to the White House last night, he took off his mask almost immediately before posing for a photoshoot. Again, I don't need the media to tell me how to think. I'm perfectly capable of connecting the dots, and so are you.

You keep trying to claim that maybe Trump knows stuff we don't, or has some sort of master plan. That desperate scrabbling sound is being made by the tips of your fingers as they prospect around the very bottom of the barrel.

And let me end by demolishing another of your silly arguments.
You claim that you can't support the group who "has something to gain" from all of this. Uh, dude? I don't know how to tell you this, but when two hundred and ten thousand Americans die, nobody wins. Regardless of how many deaths could have or should have been avoided - which is another discussion entirely - we are all, across the world, in this together. Mental health concerns are on the rise, and divorce numbers have risen slightly as well. Children doing school from home are missing out on valuable socialization. It's frustrating, sometimes maddening, sometimes scary to be trapped in your own home. If you think anyone, anyone at all, actively -wants this to happen, you are kidding yourself and I don't buy it for a hot second. Nobody wants this. The difference between the group you back and the one I favour is this. The group I favour wants to support and keep people safe; some unpleasantness now works out for everyone later. The group you back wants to lie, cheat, bully and intimidate their way into four more years of health system cuts, rights repeals, big-business interests, and totalitarian rule. The group I support has a straight-up plan to fix things. The group you support claims that the only news that's real, the only facts that are real, are the ones which support their agenda. And guess what? All your supposed research and study with "very smart people" means nothing. They converted you from a free-thinking individual with a conscience into someone who will support apologism for a dictator. Congratulations. Where does that so-called education actually get you?

Oh, and one last quick point. I do happen to know some truckers who have gotten sick. But I can see your education and big brain working really hard for you in the way that you denigrate the profession with sweeping strokes about their hygiene and such. Way to show an even-handed look at the situation, bro. One of my family members happens to be a trucker, and I think I'll take his word over yours, thanks. He, after all, does the job. He is one link in a series of chains that keeps infrastructure running. He's on the road five days a week, delivering loads and picking them up. He's told me how security has improved. He tells me how hard it is to get sick when you rarely do more than stop, grab take-out food, and eat it in your truck. He tells me how he and most of the truckers he knows will willingly wear a mask any time they enter a building, and do their best to keep the inside of their truck cabs reasonably clean. So...yeah. My trucker family member is no friend of leftists, but I think I'll take his word over yours.

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