Re: Let's discuss

Look, no one is going to say that capitalism is perfect. After all, as we see in countries like the good old USA, a lot of times the rich do have a way of becoming richer while the poor just seem to struggle a little bit. However, a socialist movement, whether through centralized bureaucracy, or through a democratic socialist model, is just going to cause a country like ours to fall and be eaten by the wolves of global superpowers. We are already falling and have been for the past 20 years or so, taken over by countries like China and Japan. However, again, a social movement is not the way to go. Take a look here at the few examples of countries who have tried to turn to the ways of socialism, and see what has become of that after some time living under the system. … ejected-it
Now the one thing that these countries that tried this style of politics had in common that is not the same as the movement in the US is that these all took place under a more heavily centralized government than what we currently live by, and it is a different model than the democratic socialist model that we will look at in just a sec. But even if it is a different model, the fact still remains that all three examples, and technically four if you go back to the Soviet Union part discussed briefly in that article, none of them were successful, and all of them turned themselves back into a free market nation. Not a one worked, so what makes people think that it is going to work here in the US? Well that is where we get into the democratic socialist movement. If you don't know what the democratic socialist movement encompasses, you can read it here: … socialism/
Now, when you read that you might be saying: "Well that doesn't look so bad. Fair for the people, run by the people, and no outlandish government control." Well, just hold up a moment, because there are some clear problems with this style of things that we really need to address. First off, within that article, it explains how the democratic socialists believe that people will take jobs and work purely for the goodness of the nation and its people. They don't care about incentives. Well I am sorry to say this, but that is purely not true. Probably one of the most common human response ticks is the glowing existence of incentives. Truthfully, it is more animal instinct than just human. For example, how many people will do the dumbest things, take on the most pointless and stupid dares, as long as there is 5 dollars or 20 dollars coming their way for doing it? The answer is so so many. And I guarantee that most of those people would not take on those dares if you subtract the money out of the equation. it is the incentive that drives them. Hell you can give a dog an incentive of a treat to make them sit down or roll over. Am I calling humans as simple as dogs? Well... yes, yes I am in that respect, because it is just simply the truth. We yearn for incentives to drive us forwards. So tell me, why would people, especially in a country that has been capitalist since its creation, suddenly be ok with incentives just disappearing in order to do jobs? The answer, they wouldn't be. There would be uproar, and likely a civil war.
Next off, there is the power problem. Now, again if you look back at the democratic socialist model, what we see is a model where the people haqve control, not a centralized government, or at least, not like it does now. Sounds great right? Freedom from the watchful eye of the government? It's beautiful!!! It's what we dream of!!! But I'm sorry, you are not getting away from the power struggle that easily. What is one other the other most common human insticncts? Power. People desire power in one form or another. For some that means having a lot of money. For some that means leading a large group of people. For some that means being able to lift 800 pounds of weight all by themselves. But whatever the type, there are many many people that desire having power. If you allow the people to run the country primarily amongst themselves, you are going to have power struggles beyond your wildest dreams. That is why say a participatory democracy would fail. That is why the founding fathers put things like the electoral college into existence. Now has the electoral college maybe served their purpose at this point? Quite possibly, but that is another argument for another time. The point I am making here is that the founding fathers knew that the people could not be trusted to run themselves. They knew it would fail. Now many will argue that that was only because the U.S. was an up and coming nation, and that is true. However, can anything really be said differently about the people of today? Thinks of the fights, the riots, and the brawls that would break out because of disagreements between people when ruling themselves. It would be an absolute nightmare. People are going to try and seize power no matter if you are running under a capitalist regime or a democratic socialist one.
Overall, the democratic socialist model looks good on paper, but that is exactly it. On paper it looks beautiful. In actual practice, however, the general socialist movement has brought nothing but collapse and corruption across the owrld, and the democratic socialist model in practice would do nothing but bring people to even worse odds than we are already at right now. It's like when you meet a really good-looking person, but their personality is as toxic as cobra venom. Just stay away.
Now one last point I would like to make regards China, Because many will argue opposite me using China as evidence of the success of socialism. After all, China's economy has vastly exploded to the top under socialism. Well... that is not entirely true. Let me explain why.
See, the truth is, and you can even read this in the first link that I posted, China does not use a staight socialist form of economy. When their adventure into socialism started, it was under the Soviet style of things, and that failed epically, with millions of Chinese dying. However, about 4 decades ago, they switched to a mixed system, that mix being of course socialism and capitalism. That is what has allowed them to find their feet over the past 40 years. Now, that is not the only reason for their success, for they have even managed to take advantage of the U.S. industry market, which unless you live under a rock, you probably know about. In case you want to read about it though, just go here:
As we can see from this report, China has stolen U.S. industry. They have been able to make doing business there seem so appealing. They stole what the U.S. was famous for, that being industry and manufacturing goods. Now of course, part of that has been thanks to the democratic party, who over their 8 year span of having hold over the presidency, managed to raise the corporate tax rate over 4%, from an already elevated 35%. We as a nation paid for that. We lost company after company, which also meant that we lost millions of jobs. Today, the corporate tax rate is 21%, and we are already starting to see the the positive effects, with business starting to move back to the U.S. So before anyone goes and tries to use China as an example, just be aware of these things. If you have read all the way through this post, thank you so much for reading. Now have a good day. Oh, and if you disagree with anything I have said here, that is perfectly fine. I would love to hear some thoughts and options on the matter.

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