Re: Let's discuss

Good holy gods. I wish somebody would have strangled George Orwell in his cradle. Would have done the world a favor. Also, it's pretty damn rich that the same person bitches about how people define socialism as whatever they want it to be, and then proceeds to define it with like, no sources whatsoever, oh I'm sorry, except St. Orwell, praise his piggy name.

Here's a real quick history lesson. Socialism existed before Marx. Marx had his own theory of history, and claiming that socialism is bad because it leads to communism, per Marx, is no more sensible than making the same claim about capitalism, which as somebody's already pointed out, Marx also made.

But yeah man. Tell me some more about this law of the jungle bullshit. I wanna hear all about lions and tigers ripping and tearing flesh and how human beings re no different. That's why we're all serial killers. Oh wait, we're not and we can deal with our equivalent of instincts and not devolve into predator prey relationships? Funny, I thought everything was "law of the jungle". OK, fine. You don't like anthropology? Try biology then, because animals cooperate. Like a lot. It's not all barbaric nature, red in tooth and claw. That's just social Darwinist idiocy people use to justify their own superior position, real or imagined.

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