Wheel of randomness!

Long, long ago. In a far away land  known at that time, as randomania, there lived a king called randomraja. ----cliche. Let's try that again
Dear reader. It is with a very heavy heart that just randomly decided to be heavy, i must inform you that...
Right. right. Let's stop that, shall we?
Welcome to the wheel of randomness! Fulfilling your randomish desires since, uh well, whenever you download it i guess?
Jokes apart I dare say in these trying times all of us could us e abit of randomness in our lives, isn't it.
So what is this thing, exactly?
Taken directly from the readme:
Note: This is a bit of a long red, so keep your seet belts on.
Welcome to the wheel of randomness!
1. what in the name of fried blast-ended scrutes is this thing, anyway?
Well, for those who were there for liam's laborday marathon, that's pritty much what inspired me.
As common with his marathons, at every $100 he would do an extra hour of gameplay. However, he added something new and rather hilarious this year. Whenever he'd reach $75 via donations, superchats, etc he would drink a cup of hot saus. He had marked the cups, and what was inside them and put it through a random generator that he called "the wheel of pain" which would pick one for him.
This is basically what I intended to make, and fortunately succeeded in doing so-however, after the inputs of my great ausumn beta testers, its become much more than that!
2. How does this thing work?
First thing's first-this is a commandline based program. I could do a gui one at some point, but i dont know if that's wirth it. Its a fairly simplistic thing and was made just for fun and randomness's sake, but let me  know if you guys would like a proper user interface anyway.
The program should give you most if not all, of the instructions but here i'll lay them out for you regardless.
2.1. structure
At first, i had just one file for the title and the picker(I'll explain those in a moment), but then somebody said that it gets very clutterred, and suggested a feature to allow them to pick from multiple places. The reason being that if they make this big list of things they wouldn't want to remove it and make a new one all over again.
So, in the program's main folder you'll find a folder called randomness and that's what you need to deal with.
Here's how this works:
2.1. Text only
In the randomness folder, you make a folder called game, cups, whatever you want. In there you make two files called title.txt and picker.txt.
You can make as many of these folders as you wish.
2.1.1. The title.txt
Well, here's where the welcome message goes. So if you want to say for instance, welcome to the wheel of games!  That's where you should put it.
Note! all you need to do is write "The wheel of games!" not "welcome to" as the program already does that for you.
2.1.2. Picker.txt
Here, is where you put the list of things you want the program to pick from, separated by enter. For instance, say i want to pick from a list of fruits and the list contains apples, mangos, and bananas.  I'll open the picker.txt file in my text editor, and write:
Then save the file, and that's it-you're good to go!
Now, when you open the program it is going to ask you the name of the folder it should look through to fetch those two files.
Here, you can either enter the name directly, or just use your number row to pick one. It will give you the options, dont worry!
In case the files aren't found or if they are empty, it will warn you as well.
2.2 Speach
Thanks to the idea of one of my amazingly awsome beta testers, the wheel now supports audio files!
Here is how it works:
2.2.1. Structure
So the idea is, instead of picking from a bunch of text contained in a file, the program will instead play a random file from a list of files(audio ) and so instead of using the boring old nvda with this program you could get your dog to record voice lines or something.
To use this option, you hit s when prompted at the very begining, and if you hit any other key the program proseeds with the difault text mode.
2.2.2. Title.mp3, or title.wav
This file, is the title of the wheel or the welcome message perhaps, same as title.txt above. You put this in randomness/foldername.
2.2.2. Speach
This folder, contains all the audio files that the program picks from. So in randomness/foldername/speach, you put  all the audiofiles you want the wheel to consider.
Again, this supports either mp3 or wav.
3. Ok, so all the prep is done. What then?
Well? Fortunately, nothing! Well, not really anyway.
After all the boring stuff is delt with, it should spin the wheel on its own and pick something random for you!
Best thing of all? It will keep track of what you spun so if you hit y when asks you whether you would like to give it another go, it won't land on the same thing!
Note! There's a 30-40 second timer after every spin. This is to prevent abuse as some people kept spinning and spinning till the wheel gave them what they wanted, which is not the point of this program at all. This is still a topic of debate however so let me know what you think and if enough people want it out i'll get rid of it.
A sound plays when the times up, giving you enough time to return to the window. Then, after it is over the program  will wait around 2 3 seconds more just for good measure then go on with further instructions
You will be able to find an example folder to give you further clarity on the concept(big thanks to the hard work of our beta tester sethgamer!)
4. Side note.
Another suggestion of one of my testers, you can now customise the sounds for every single wheel!
What i mean by this is the following:
Say, for instance, you would like to use a separate sound for a wheel known as "The Wheel Of game" and another one for "The Wheel Of toylets", all you need to do is put either "wheel.mp3" or "wheel.wav" in the respective folders, in our case either wheel of games or wheel of toylet and there you have it! This also applies to timer.mp3 or timer.wav.
5. credits.
Well, it was just me who coded this thing but I asure you it wouldn't have been anything had there not been these amazing people who tested this and gave valuable feedback.
So, a big thanks goes to gamer20, sethgamer, boruto aka Wilson, jonathan and dannyboy for taking a look, reporting bugs, giving feedback etc.
Of  ccourse, thanks to liam for the idea behind this thing.
So? I hope you enjoy this little thing i threw together because i simplly had to code something-its been days thanks to exams and this python was practically hopping and bopping around anticipating my return! smile
6. contact
I usually check the forum once in a day at the very least but here's a few other ways of getting in touch:
email me at. aarush.bha...@gmail.com
or drop a dm @godly_godfather
Have fun!
Now-- finally!
Here's how you download the program:
Also, my appologies. I do not currently have a server to host this on so will have to utilize one of the public hosting services available out there.
Here it is!
http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g3 … 586f8d2961

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