games central folder needs to be sorted

Hi all.
I was searching for the games central dropbox topic but couldn't find it.
For those in the folder  I am sure if you have read the requests file you will know that as well as a few things that should not have been in the folder, namely cracks, the folder has grown in size.
Today I came home from going out with the family shopping and all that junk and discovered that someone had deleted the entire folder contents and that I needed to upload 5gb.
Since I really don't have the bandwidth to upload 5gb just whenever someone wants to kill the folder, I had no choice but to delete the folder after leaving it first.Sadly I was unable to delete the folder before leaving it or I would have done so.

There are several issues which I had to get out of the folder.
the first was the size it went up and down, there was one crack, empty folders duplicates, and a lot of unorganised stuff.
large files that really shouldn't have been up stuff you could get from the web etc.
I was willing to stick with being it was an open folder but I can ot have the folder so mangled that I had to upload a quarter of my bandwidth for each user to the folder I only have a 12mb connection with a 1mb upload speed on it.
This dsl line is not for me to torrent.
if someone took charge of this, sorted the folder, put some rules, heck I may even come back in however the open approach though nice has got abused and sadly I have had no recource but to leave the folder its a good thing you can't delete a folder outright while you leave, because I am quite angry at this point.
This has really put me against bt sync, it may not be dropbox but its a bad idea to give out write access to everyone.
It was fun and all as I put in the requests file, but it has to stop and sadly that was today.

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