Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Okay I am gonna post this here, I was the original poster of the ffrk topic, I've been playing the game since the level cap was 50 however long ago that was. I atempted to make a guide for playing the game, I still play ffrk, and I still play the game with 100 percent no sight needed however, if you have a sighted friend around, sometimes it can help if your stuck. So I'll atempt to explain in as great of detail as I can how to navigate every screen, I'm not really gonna do more then that as it seems a lot of other people have already explained things as well. First off, I will say that the tutorial portion of the game has changed drastically, if we could get someone who hasn't played the game to explain the new tutorial and if they were able to complete it and how, that would be awsome.
So, I'm gonna start off with the main screen, which is the screen when you first start the game, if your a returning player it will just have the play button and manage account and something else, don't remember the order but you can swipe through the screen using voice over.
When you press play you will be taken to either the login collection if you haven't collected rewards, the main screen with announcements at the bottom, or just the main screen. To collect your login rewards, you need to find the okay button, you can either swipe through the now long list of items, cause ffrk updated so now it gives you a preview of what you get when you log in each day. So what I do to get past that, is theirs usually a system error thing that popps up below the login bonus. if you navigate by headings it puts you one flick to the right of the okay button, so just flick left once and hit okay. For the announcements screen, theirs a heading that you can navigate to that says, announcements, if you flick right from that you can see the different categories. if you click on a category, you can then navigate to the title of each announcement by headings. you can usually get the announcement to pop up so you can read it by pressing on the image portion if you flick right from the heading of the announcement you can find it. To exit the announcements screen you simply need to flick down to the close button. I usually switch the category to misc, because their are very few announcements in misc and you usually don't have to flick right a bunch of times to find the close button. Next, is the main ffrk screen, this screen can only be navigated using voice over, so you will need to shut voice over off to navigate this screen but fear not, as the screen layout is pretty straight forward and simple, I'm gonna try and explain in as great of detail where you press on the screen to get certain menus or options to ppop up. First off when you start off, or when I start off, I always take my finger and slide it from left to right, this moves the screen to the first set of options on the screen so it's always a good starting point. So, if we start at the verry bottom of the screen, we're talking on the new iphones it would be close to where you pull up the home button. From left to right, we have, I'm pretty sure a world button or some form of , that from any menu will take you back to the home screen, I'm not completely sure on this one cause it's right next to another very important button, the back button which does what it says and takes you back a screen. Then to the right of the back/world buttons, is the party button, which will open up your party screen, allowing you to change parties, formations, whatnot. Pretty much anything to deal with your party which we will get in to at a later time. The next button you will find to the right of party, is yoru equipment and upgrades button, which takes you to the screen that deals with upgrading your equipment, combining it, buying abilities the whole 9 yards, more will be explained on that screen later. The final button to the right of equipment and upgrades, is your relic draws screen, which you will be visiting a lot to get new equipment, relic draws are basically the only way to obtain the most powerful gear in the game. If we go up a little bit from the bottom of the screen, starting on the far left, you will have the realm dungeons screen, this is where most new ffrk players should go to not only finish parts of the tutorial and missions, but to accumulate a literal crap ton of mythril for doing relic draws with. I'll go in to more detail on this screen later as well, as their is something you can do to make it read easier then it does on initially entering the screen. And make it much easier for you to select realms. I'm pretty sure,, but to the right of realms should be events, the realm portion takes up the first half of the screen just above the back and party buttons, the events takes up the right portion above equipment and relics. The events screen is where you will do most of the bi-weekly and monthly and seasonal and all that events. I could be wrong though and record dungeons might be in between them, but I'm pretty sure that if you go up just a little bit farther, and click in the center of your phone, you will click on record dungeons. The Record dungeons are a relatively new edition to the game, only about 2 or so years old if I remember correctly. I'll go in to more detail about that screen later as well. Now is where it getts a bit tricky I don't know all the rest of the buttons but I know where the important ones are, if you go up to like the top of your phone on the far left side, go down like a quarter of the way from the top. And press you should enter your item chest, you will know if the music changes to like a guitar sounding song which incidentally is a remix of the chocobo song. This screen can be navigated using voice over. Just a little bit above your item chest button and easily accidentally pressable when you are atempting to enter your item chest is the announcements button which you already know how to get out of. Then on the far right hand side of your phone in the top right hand corner is the button to get in the the games config, and also to the help and friends list. Right below that button is the button to get in to the item exchanges menu which I will go in to more detail about later. Then right below that button is a third button, which takes you in to the missions screen which used to be pretty insignificant until the latest update. now remember how we swiped from left to right at the beginning of all this? Well, with voice over off, if you swipe right to left, it will change the options at the bottom portion where you would click for the realm dungeons or the event dungeons screen. it will change the options to, powerup, then nightmare/magisite, then cardia islands, then moat dungeons.  I will go in to more detail on those screens later on as well, I actually think I'm gonna conclude this post with the main screen so I can get some feedback on how I did describing it, I know their were some portions I wasn't sure on, and I'm sorry about that, but I feel like this post is getting rather long.

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