Fun with youtube, warp zone acapella and honest movie trailers

bI'm not really a person who wanders youtube in search of weerdosity, but occasionally I run across things that just impress me.

The first I have to share is Warp zone this is a group who obviously have had some degree of barber's shop training, however they do rather fun acapella versions of interesting theme songs (including acapella renditions of instruments and  percussion). Their Transformers is quite impressive, as is their Teenaged mutant Ninja turtlles.

they also do a pretty good Pokemon, though their lead was rather off in several passages of that, still if you like music and very weerd versions of a lot of programs you might find them fun, particularly as they have a sense of humour, (I was quite amused when in their game of thrones parody the ostinato repeating chord seuqence was soung to the words "peter Dinclinge is a dwarf, peter dinclinge is a dwarf and he is small" :d.

The second thing is honest trailers. … 9Z6GERVi1A this is a group who produce extremely accurate, highly funny, but deeply honest trailers about various films from home alone to starwars and Lord of the rings. Not only does their announcer have an absolutely accurate film trilaer voice but their comments are hilarious, ----- lord of the rings starring streight dumbledor (I'd also recommend any disney fans check their trailer for the lion king sinse it's got some hilarious song parodies).

They've also started doing honest game trailers their mortal Kombat was great, ---- the game that taught kids everything about human anatony, and nothing about spelling! :d.

And honest action trailers, actually their one of home alone detailing all the injuries which the bandits would recieve in the film from the various traps and how many times they'd die is just plane disturbing!

So enjoy!

As I said I don't generally go crusing youtube for random funny stuff, sinse a lot of stuff on youtube tends to be youtube selebs who are a little cleaque orientated and self important, or stuff that just isn't particularly well done or especially funny, but these are two things I know that are! rather good.

Indeed I've known about the honest trailers thing for a while (it wouldn't surprise me if other people knew it too), I just haven't posted about it before.

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