Re: reasons for learning typescript

Hi, so as someone who works with _javascript_ for front end development every day in my job, I will say that it is not my favorite language. part of what makes it bearable is typescript honestly. I prefer java, but as camlorn said, there is no other option when it comes to front end. I agree, as well, unless you have some fasination with node.js, I would not recommend putting to much time in to it. There are just more enjoyable languages you can write your backend in these days.
The reallity though is that libraries and frameworks like react and angular are built on top of node js, at least the build tools are.

Anyways, in terms of learning, yes you should be learning at minimum ES6 (ECMAScript 6). ES6 is
the latest version of _javascript_ that has been adopted by most companies and browsers. The newer you get from there the less support you get in all browsers. There are ways of dealing with that so you can write any version of _javascript_ you like though once you get into using build tools. The other reality is that most people are not programming in just _javascript_ these days. Everyone is using one of the single page application libraries out there, the most popular being React or  Angular. I have worked with both, and personally prefer angular, although the nice part about learning react is that it sets you up for learning react native for mobile development. Angular forces you to use typescript, and in genral I just find it more enjoyable to look at angular code over react though. So, learn them both if you are feeling ambitious.
Note, if you learn angular, when you google tutorials, you want at least angular 8. It is confusing, but the first 2 versions of angular were actually called angular JS. So if you see something refering to Angular JS, it is probably something you don't want to look at because it is from angular versions 1 or 2.

You can use type script in react as well. Typescript is just meant to make the programmers life a bit easier. Yes you have transpile it, but we do that with just about every other language already, unless you are using something interpreted like python. Tehnicly, the npm build tools generally wrap up the transpiling and running of the application into one command, npm start, assuming it is setup correctly, so although it takes a little longer to start, it is still only one step for the programmer. If you are using React or angular, there is live reload as well, so you can modify the application while it is running and it will detect the change in one of the files, it will rebuild, and show the new changes. Personally I like the angular live reload over react, it just seems to work better, but to each there own.

Hope that helps,

Timothy Breitenfeldt

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