Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

If there is no such thing as truth, then I humbly submit there is no point.  ON the other hand, if truth exists at all and it exists outside of ourselves rather than as just a man-made construct by which we do our best in our flawed state to govern the world we're in, then I believe there's all the reason to keep on trying to find it, and doing anything less than that makes us intelectually dishonest people.  It is no different than the ongoing search for life in space.  Is it an exercise in futility?  We can speculate, but do not at this point in time truly know.  I don't hold with Christians who claim that just because there's no mention of aliens/beings from other planets in the bible that they simply do not exist, as the bible doesn't mention a whole lot of things and places and people.  Would it shake my faith if something was found on another planet?  Naturally, no.  For that to happen, the responsibility lies with atheists to prove that God does not exist, but to do that, atheists will have to become universally knowledgeable, which I do not see happening any time in the distant future, anymore than I see Christians being able to have the power to prove without the shadow of a doubt that God is real.  Give the Christian that power and then all the love flows right out of the equation, because people would be forced to believe in God by virtue of the fact that you know without the shadow of a doubt that he exists and a Christian forced that knowledge down your throat.  That, is where faith, truly comes in, and I contend that the atheist who truly, solidly, consistently believes in atheism has a greater leap of faith to make than he who believes in God.

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