Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

Hey OP, I'm really sorry for what you, and your grandma of course, are going through. This world, God, whatever, it can all be very cruel.
And of all the posts in this discussion, I find 141 to be the most spot on from my perspective.
I guess my beliefs are ore agnostic in nature. I lean toward believing in something, only because I've experienced things in my life that would lead me to believe something has extremely positive influence over my existence. I know, I know, everyone says that. But I don't care if people side with me or not. I know what I've experienced, and I know what I believe.
But time and time again, I see people of religion falter because of their blind followings. And some are actually intellects, people who actually study science, with PhDs and all. Similarly, I've seen people of science, too unwilling to accept that even some things can't be explained, falter at the hands of their arrogance.
You can get philosophical about this. You can get scientific about this. You can even study high degrees of theology. But at the end of the day, what really counts is how you handle being challenged by others' beliefs.
All this science vs religion vs other stuff. I honestly think it's ridiculous.
They each have benefits. Proving, disproving, theories, axioms, etc.
We're all just here to figure it out. Yes, science has a bit of an upper hand in that regard. But that doesn't mean science can answer everything. And if you really think that, well, that's just too bad and I am truly sorry you feel that way. Likewise for religion. If someone actually thinks that religion is unwavering in its teachings, and you absolutely reject everything else, again, that's just too bad.
But I think some of us are too smart for that. I'd like to believe we offer acceptance and critical thinking.
Anyway, for what it's worth, I still appreciate a good back and forth every once in a while. smile

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