Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

Maybe the president shouldn't have disbanded the pandemic office rather than giving his billionaire friends massive  tax cuts? You know, if that office hadn't been shut down by trump, they would have had a plan to manage pandemics like these. And yes, a vaccene developed should be perfectly safe, to make sure the cure isn't worse than the disease, and to make sure you don't fuck up someone's life in the name of a possibility of helping others. And remember the rigorous testing process was what allowed us to eliminate nonfunctional treatments like hydroxycloroquine.
Jayde, I would say biology is very different than programing, as  you don't know many variables that may effect the cure you develope, the cure can have many interactions that you may not  know could occur, or that occur by a mechanism you don't know about. The cure can have delayed effects, though rare, again, see quinolone antibiotics as an example of how this happened, still the process by which those antibiotics cause perminent disability isn't understood. Another difference between biology and programming, you can't just say aah fuck ethics, let me test all combinations of my drug on poor black africans who can't refuse some money, and killing them is an acceptable sacrifice. You hold peoples lives literally in your hand, which is why  majoring in medicine or biology requires ethics classes, unlike programming. A doctor or biologist without ethics to keep a check on what they're doing could do monsterous things in the name of the greater good, like the experiment where mentally impaired students at a boarding school were fed radioactive cerial.

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