Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

Okay, let's start from the start. I haven't checked this topic after 7 posts before, but now I did.
I will agree with all what Camlorn, Ethin and Jayde said.
@Nuno, What if any other vaccine is better than the Chinese vaccine?
Do you have any proof that any other vaccine other than Chinese vaccine will lead to death? Body of some people can't take the vaccines, as simple as that. There are recommendations for those who should take these and for those who should not. Don't scare!
We have to keep in mind, that these vaccines have been developed in just one year. Though I may agree, scientists may have been pressured to develop these quickly, but I will also agree, this is the only alternative to stay safe from COVID19. However, in a research, they say that the vaccines *maybe* less effective against the new emerging varients from UK, South Africa and Brazil. Don't quote me on that.
It's important to be aware, people.
Some basic questions and answers regarding MRNA should aware people, a bit.
People make mRNA all the time. In our cells, DNA in the nucleus is used to make mRNA, which is sent to the cytoplasm where it serves as a blueprint to make proteins. Most of the time, the proteins that are produced are needed to help our bodies function.
mRNA vaccines take advantage of this process by introducing the mRNA for an important protein from the virus that the vaccine is trying to protect against. In the case of COVID-19, the important protein is the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The mRNA that codes for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is taken up by cells called dendritic cells, which express the spike protein on the cell surface, travel to a local lymph node, and stimulate other cells of the immune system (B cells) to make antibodies. These antibodies protect us, so that if we are exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the future, our immune system is ready.
As I said above, we should keep in mind, who should and should not get the vaccines.
a few groups of people should not get the vaccine, and some others should consult with their doctor or follow special procedures.
• Anyone with a previous severe or immediate allergic reaction (i.e., one that causes anaphylaxis or requires medical intervention) to a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine dose, a vaccine component, or polysorbate
• Those younger than 16 years of age
• People currently isolating or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19; these people can get vaccinated once they are finished isolation and their primary symptoms have resolved.
Since mRNA is active only in a cell's cytoplasm and DNA is located in the nucleus, mRNA vaccines do not operate in the same cellular compartment that DNA is located.
Further, mRNA is quite unstable and remains in the cell cytoplasm for only a limited time. So, they can't change the DNA.
What stops the body from continuing to produce the COVID-19 spike protein after getting a COVID-19 mRNA or adenovirus- based vaccine?
Both vaccines result in production of spike protein that results from mRNA blueprints. Because our cells are continuously producing proteins, they need a way to ensure that too many proteins do not accumulate in the cell. So, generally speaking, mRNA is always broken down fairly quickly. Even if for some reason our cells did not breakdown the vaccine mRNA, the mRNA stops making the protein within about a week, regardless of the body's immune response to the protein.
Likewise, while the adenovirus-based vaccine delivers DNA and the DNA lasts longer than mRNA, studies have shown that adenovirus-based DNA does not last longer than a few weeks.

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