Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

@58, I'm happy to be a lab rat, thank you very much, if it means I'll be helping save huge numbers of people. And as Camlorn said, stop straw-manning our posts. It doesn't help your supposed point, if there ever was one to begin with. None of us are saying we should just force people into taking the vaccine at gunpoint or something. And yes, people can still give consent. The consent would be, "Will you take this vaccine, knowing that you might die as a result?" That's literally what we're doing.
Also also... You'll be unhappy to know that your "ethical views" are not actually as clear-cut as you think. A quick Google search reveals that not only is the UK doing it (and succeeding) but there are many articles that I've found that state that its the right thing to do with COVID-19. Like I said, we can't wait 10 years. With COVID-19, no amount of precautionary measures would allow us to wait 10 years. People take this vaccine knowing that we don't know the long-term effects and that the normal medical procedures haven't been followed because we (didn't) have a choice and had to do away with normal procedures.

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