Re: thinking about leaving the us

8, I agree with you on the US. So 1,  I invite you to step back and think about this for a moment. The US is by far the most conservative country among all the developed nations. If you wanted more, you have to go to places like Saudi Arabia, but wait, I guess Muslim Wahabi conservatism would be offensive to you so. Here are some things that show that. Here in the US, democrats are like center right conservatives in other countries. Look at it this way. Under Trump people got more stimulus than they're getting under Biden. Even though demoicrats control both chambers, Joe Manchin and a few other democrats went omgomgomg we can't offend our republican friends, so lets lower the eligibility of checks to 50k a year, and ended up doing it so that anyone earning over 80  k a  year was totally cut out. He said he would send 2000 checks if the democrats in Georgia won, but when they did he turned around and said waiiiiit you already got 600 so you actually get 1400 hahaha. And for reference, when biden said he'd send another 2000,  after the 600 stimulus had passed under Trump so, what he did was really cheap. You may see 600 isn't much, but people notice these things. Also, the so called moderate democrats went lower, and cut unemployment from the initial proposal from 400 to 300 a week. And the so called moderates are blocking getting rid of the filebuster, regardless of the fact that it basicly means they'll accomplish exactly nothing until the midterms, as republicans will block any bill  put forth by the democrats, because they long figured out it hurts them and they get blamed for it. So based on what's happening, democrats probably will lose the midterm elections. They iether are extremely dumb or  naive, not taking action to keep their campaign promises,  and bowing to republicans for so called bipartisanship, never mind what you acctually acomplish in the name of that. Oh and Biden said initially he would forgive student lone debt, and someone asked him  during a town hall if he supported that, or owuld do it, and he adamently said no. So he's doing a really good job to harm his image in the eyes of many groups of people. Even the progressive democrats are far to docile , they just let Manchin single handedly block the bill until he got stimulus eligibility and the minimum wage increase cut, when any of them could have stood up and did  the same to get at least some of what they want. And when the parlamentarian said the minimum wage couldn't be passed by reconsiliation, democrats were again too docile to overrule the parlamentarian, nevermind that they had the right to do that.  In short, democrats are extremely spineless and won't accomplish much, and as a result are doomed to keep losing midterms because they do a far better job of punching themselves in the face than anyone else ever could.
8, as for states having more auttonomy, I feel that it would ultimately harmful. If places go all republicanland as much as they want, that actually can get  people killed, hello Texas? or bankrupt, hello again Texas? Or like states that opt out of obamacare, hello again Texas and some other states. Or with voter laws to desuade certain groups of people from voting, like requiring certain types of ID, removing ballot boxes from certain locations etc.  This screws over alot of groups of people, and screws over even more people who can't move out of said states that harm they're livelyhood  for various reasons. In worst case scenario, we could have another civil war, with republican and democrat states, though this seemed more likely under Trump.
1, if you still aren't convinced you are already living in the most conservative developed country, look another point, guns. The US, other than Yemen is the only country where possessing asault weapons is enshrined in the constitution as a right. This has done alot of harm. Look at US gun violence rates compared to  other developed country, even if you account for population difference, it is massively higher. But nooo that isn't enough. We  also have to give blind people guns? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? I am still astounded on how crazy this is. Blind people can't be legally refused gun permits, never mind the fact that people with felony or  drug charges can't own one, and that being able to visualize a target is gun safety 101, and the fact that you  can't visualize a target means you shouldn't own one.Its literally  like  2+2=4. And no, hearing should not count as visualisation, as its not as accurate or relyable for this as vision.

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