Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

Hmm, how best to explain this?

Follow walls. It's really about as simple as that. And when I say this, I mean it literally. Don't skip passages, and do treat all one-tile-wide passages as if they have two walls. You will do better if you think of this game by walls instead of by tiles.
Literally every assassin in this area is near enough to a wall that you won't miss one if you keep your ears sharp for the sound of an item. If you aren't finding a fragment, it is because you have missed an opening someplace, have gotten turned around after thinking you were done with a branching corridor, or far less likely, because the game has honestly thrown a bug. I've run this area twice (about to hit it a third time, actually), and I haven't had this issue.
Take heart though. This area is huge, and I got a bit confused my first time as well. I'm good at navigation and I still found myself wondering what I'd missed a time or two. When al l else fails, return to the main door and try new paths. Get points of orientation and work from that.
Also, a tip for you.
If you're ambling along and you find a one-square gap which leads down what turns out to be a dead end, remember which direction you were going when you went in. Say you're going north and you find a hall branching off to the east. When you're done with that hall and come back out to where it starts, don't go back south. Keep going north. This is really important.

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