Re: a complain about playroom and its moderators!


I like how direct you are. It's refreshing to see someone who will just say what comes to mind, especially as a christian. So as you are so direct, so shall I be.

You are right. We can never allow ourselves to start conforming the word to our own comfort levels, and we should take every opportunity we get to witness and tell people about Jesus. We have been saved, and we want them all to be saved. I get it. But think of it this way. You've been walking into a tavern, sitting down at a table with a deck of cards every day and starting games, with the specific intent of preaching. That's really what the playroom is, a tavern. A bar. A place I used to love to hang out, where you can go, and be social, and play games and just talk about anything. However, taverns have rules, and just as is the case when we are in any public establishment, we must obey the rules, to the extent that we can. Remember what Jesus said: If you are refused, shake the dust fro m your feet and move on. This is what has happened here. You have been refused a place in the playroom, at least temporarily, and thus, you have been percicuted in Jesus's name. Jesus also said, blessed are those who are percicuted in his name. Take your blessing and move on. Yes, some people heard the message, and that's great. But does it really do the word of God any good if you make a lot of public complaints about being banned? It starts drama, and it actually has the potential, given the history of christianity, to make people back away, not wanting any part of it. My recommendation would be to delete this topic of complaints and go find somewhere else to spread the word of God. As Nocturnis said, there are many other opportunities aside from the playroom that need our help. Right now, the playroom community at large does not want to listen. And thus, move on. Find me one place in the bible where Jesus or his disciples complained about being kicked out of an area, an d they were, many times. What they actually did was make the best out of a bad situation and move on to another place where they could help others willing to listen. Keep in mind, I'm saying we should take every opportunity to witness. I'm glad you did what you did, even if it got you banned and percicuted by others. It sounds like you helped some people get saved, and that's great. But now it's time to move on to another community that needs you, just as those people in the playroom did.

I fight with this on a daily basis, as I work for the government, which specifically states in it's job contracts that we are not allowed to even talk to others about our religion. It doesn't stop me from witnessing, but I have a lot more to lose over my relationship with Christ than just a ban from a game room. The sad fact is that the world at large hates christianity. It's been proven time and again over the past 2000 years, and even before when it was j udaism. People see it as a bunch of rules to be followed, limits placed upon them unnecessarily, their free will taken away. They don't see it for exactly what it is. A free gift offered by God, that we might all be saved and go to Heaven, instead of our default destination, Hell. Hell is simply a place apart from God, where those who have chosen to be there are punished for their sins justly, by God's standards, the most holy being in the universe who can not allow sin, not by human standards. Those who have not accepted the gift of Christ's salvation are, in effect, telling God to leave them alone, and he loves them so much that he's willing to do that, just as some parents are with their kids. If the playroom is rejecting God, let them, it's their choice. Remember that it is not your job to save people, it's God's job. You are simply his servant, and by being his servant, you have even more opportunity to push people away from him than the non-b elievers do. You will be sent nasty messages, you will be insulted, you will be banned from communities. Suck it up and move on, happy in the knowledge that you did some good there. Go find another place that needs to hear the word, and witness to them instead of trying to cling to the ones that cast you out.

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