Re: Countermeasures 3 Released Next Month

Well I've finally listened to countermeasures season three. I was going to take it to music school with me, however Itunes annoyingly decided to throw a hissythit and not play it when I copied the files across into a playlist. I've noticed it does this with some mp3 files at random, it's very irritating!

Either way I've heard it now (good old Winamp!), so here are my thoughts.

Beware! dire and horrible spoilage ahoy!

The first episode was about what I'd expect from countermeasures in terms of alien mystery. Sir Toby (who really reminds me of Sir Humphry from Yes prime minister), goes through an enquiry and wangles his way out, though it was a nice way to get familiar with the characters and situations again hearing everyone's testimony.

The cockney gangster was fun just for being so theatrical, and even though the explanation of the clone gloop was a bit thin it didn't really need more. I also loved the guest appearenc e of Regy from Project Twilight, nice that bf is remembering their continuity, although it does make me wonder why Countermeasures haven't butted heads with The Forge.

I thought melting all the clones was a bit harsh though, I mean come on the man just wanted to take out lots of other cockney thugs, he was hardly out for world domination, and having Alisan sort of assume that because they were identical clones they were disposable seemed a bit out of character.

The second episode, the concrete cage I believe the name was was okay, but nothing really special. The ghostly bits weren't really creepy enough, and the rest of the plot seemed a bit on the slow side, also why the heck do we have the bloody second world war again! we've already had a recent 4th doctor story set at the time not too long ago, so can we please! give old Hitler a rest?

The one saving grace for the story was the conversation that Perton, the old historian had with the recorded me mory of the old woman from the war. We'd heard her side of the conversation several times, and having him believe she was talking to him and forgiving him while telling him about the bomb that was about to explode was a very nice moment, even if not quite enough to raise the story from being average to being good.

The third story (the forgotten village I believe the title was), was imho the weakest of the set. Going back to alisan's childhood home was a nice idea, however everything seemed far too quick and jumbled. Alisan's old boyfriend just came across as completely slimy the way he asked for a kiss about five minutes after meeting her for the first time in 9 years, and I really didn't like Alisan's monologue over her dying father, ---- -couldn't all that exposition have happened in a more realistic way? heck I kept expecting Rachel to have some sort of motherly chat with Alisan to reveal everything, which would also have been nice sinse Rachel isn't exactly the motherlytype, but no Alisan has to monologue.

Trying to fit in a full scale contagious disease plot, and a lost soviet weapon (or possibly not soviet), and Toby being nasty to a nosy reporter just felt like too much in too small a space. Also, what the hell was the sound engineer doing during that crazy fight scene in the hall? where Bevan the vet whent dulally and set the place on fire? I thought I was listening to Darker Projects for a second the effects were so choppy and disjointed.

The fourth story on the other hand, (unto the breach), was absolutely awsome! The hole spies and east german thing couldn't have been done in any other Bf series and was absolutely lovely, I particularly liked the way that unlike in Doctor who the German's really spoke German. Verna was quite obviously going to betray everybody, (come on a supposed German double agent with a really terrible german accent who waxes artistic about ruins and then mysterious ly gets into the other side's base with no trouble? but I just took this as part of the hole experience.

I also love the idea of out of character actions and mind control, a nice point of plot and one I look forward to seeing being resolved, though I hope this mysterious organization that has been mentioned doesn't again just turn out to be the evil conservative party yacht club up to their old tricks again as it usually has. Actually while I don't think it is the Forge, it'd be a nice change if it was, sinse as we know the forge isn't defeated until later they'd have to end on a stale mate, and also the Forge has enough alien tech and specialties to actually be a real threat to counter measures rather than just some old boy's club who've got hold of a mysterious alien way of controlling the upperty liberal lower classes big_smile.

So , definitely a step up, at least in it's final episode, and for once with counter measures I am actually looking forward to seeing the next series rather than buying it as a duty.

I have to say though, the most recent stand out for me in Bf terms was the fifth doctor special box set with Adrec back. I never hated Adrec the way so many other who fans seemed to, and it's great to see him again. Also, the two stories were absolutely wonderfully done, ---- Teegan thinking of the Doctor as a mad old adventuring professor? and Adrec's worst fear being a mathematical puzzle he couldn't solve which lets his friends down, awsome stuff!

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