Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well the Moff has apparently beenon record saying that he thinks the assistants are the more interesting characters than the Doctor and the show is about them, so it's official, this is! the Clara show.

I don't actually mind romance when done well, but it's just another element in a story not the focus. Rose and the 9th Doctor never really felt romantic exactly, more sort of progressively close friends particularly with how Rose was needed to stop the 9th doctor being a total scumbag and her relationship with Micky was sort of nicely, or rather direly ordinary and pointless.

Rose and the tenth doctor I'l forgive sinse it can happen once, and hay if the Doctor is going to fall for anyone the person who showed him life had a point after the Time war and stopped him destroying earth does make sense, plus the two of them actually seemed to get on! Actually thinking about it, that seems to be Moffat's main flaw and why he can't right  re lationships, he's so busy trying to do clever clever timie wimie plots and witty banter that he forgets about people actually liking each other either as friends, still more as romantic partners. He wants to push the epic romance button but when it's got no chemistry or even attraction it just seems completely pointless, ---- quite aside from the fact I can't actually think of a female main character he's ever created who isn't a manipulative self obsessed cow, --- oh yeah,  Clara wasn't a cow when she had no personality. As I said the "woman kind you decide" line from day of the moon was rather telling.

The sad thing is Doctor who can do romance dam well, either with guest characters or companions, provided it's setup and there is enough time to actually see the relationship, or even with the Doctor provided there is enough time given to the relationship and that there is a reason for the thousand odd year old time lord to ac tually be interested not just "she looks hot" which seems to be Moffat's main approach to romance. Danny and Clara has to be the most rushedd unattractive romance in the history of Doctor who sinse honestly do these people seem to like each other?

I ahve also been reading Jo Ford's reviews who is a little more positive than Stuart and he has some interesting comments on Amy and rory, and the fact that we see all their relationship bits off screen, very different from Rose and her family, indeed the more Moffat I watch the more I remember that Russel, for all his attempts to turn the Doctor into space Jesus and some rather over the top finales did at least have characters you really cared about, and wasn't afraid to have bad stuff happen to them that didn't just get retconed out of existance. When New who started I was pretty much unimpressed, indeed I remember watching the introduction in "rose" and thinking "what the hell? why is the Doctor a git in a leather jacket who barely knows what is going on, and what is all this anxt!" "end of the world" went some way to changing my idea, sinse the doctor got the "it's your time" comment to Cassandra that felt very Doctorish, and we did at least get to explore a really nice location with lots of random aliens, for all I felt the emotion of "look how wanderful it was" was a bit much.

As the series went on I did warm to things more and I genuinely enjoyed the conclusion, so that going into series two I became a Tenant fan for all there were moments of cheese or plot resolutions with an instafix that made me squirm, (i remember being quite appauled at Tenant's introduction in the Christmas invasion), and occasions that everything felt too rushed, or that characters were engaging in sappy melodrama.

Now however I'm finding that even my objection to more of Davies excesses is fading, sinse hay at least the m an wrote plots that made sense and characters who you cared about, who genuinely were! in danger.

Btw, my dad told me apparently the channel Encore from the 2nd of November is showing all the Doctor who's from Pertwee onwards, so if you want to catch up on Classic who now is the time (I certainly plan to, and to bang some on dvd), though i don't know about audio descriptions.

I am of course also carrying on my march through the audios, and am currently on Davros, a story that explores the creator of the Daleks by having him work along side the 6th Doctor for a huge galactic corporation, with terrifying corporate speech and some quite accurate and grim thoughts on economics and how the fat cats behave. it's also an awsome story, one of bf's best and one I've actually heard a couple of times more than the others having listened to it with a friend of mine who's a major Davros fan, though that shan't stop me from hearing it again and stil l thinking it's awsome.

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