Re: guide dogs!

Hi Thunderfist.

While I got your "within reason" comment, at the same time,  if a dog learns that if it barks constantly it gets  attention and rewards, well what do you think the dog will do?

It's better to ignore the dog, get the dog to lie down when you want, or   teach the dog a more appropriate method of playing like picking up a toy and bringing it to you.

If a dog barks insessantly, it usually means there is something wrong in either it's initial training, or in how it's been treated, certainly if a guide dog in Britain had that sort of issue, the trainer would help the owner sort it out, indeed in Britain most guide dogs  rarely bark at all, reever only barks when she wants to get my attention, for example if I've left her outside and she wants to come in, and even then, only in very single barks.

This is why Guide dogs aren't for everyone.  Dogs are lovely, indeed a lot nicer than people in a lot of ways, but there is a certain code you need to get into.

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